The Shop on Blossom Street Page 0,102

as a compliment and sent him a brief smile. "Despite the pain, it was one of the best nights of my life."

"Because of Paul."

Jacqueline lowered her gaze. "Actually, no. Because of you."

"Me?" He gave a clipped laugh, as if he didn't quite believe her, either. She wondered when they'd started to doubt each other and then she knew. It had been about the time he'd begun his affair.

"As we were driving here I was remembering the night Paul was born."

Reese nodded. "I was thinking about that myself."

"Do you recall the way you carried me to the car? It was such a...swashbuckling thing to do. I wasn't exactly a lightweight at the time."

"Your hero," Reese teased.

Sadness seemed to weigh her down. "You were my hero," she whispered and to cover up how wretched she felt, she sipped the last of her coffee.

"But no more," Reese murmured.

Her lack of response was as clear as agreement would have been. She looked away, struggling with her composure. A part of her wanted to ask why he found her so lacking that he'd turned to another woman, but the pain of it was too great. She feared that whatever he might tell her would hurt even more than knowing he was with someone else.

He didn't say anything or glance in her direction.

It occurred to her then, sitting in this hospital waiting room with Reese, that perhaps this was the very moment she should say something. Perhaps she should offer an overture, try to bridge this gap between them. She'd loved Reese so much at one time. Oh damn, she might as well admit it: despite everything, she still loved him. Seeing the love Paul and Tammie Lee shared was almost painful for her because she recognized how much she'd lost. To outward appearances she lived a wonderful life. She didn't need to worry about money, she had a lovely house, her friends were plentiful. Nevertheless, she was miserable and lonely.

"I..." Reese said when the distinct sound of a baby's cry traveled down the hallway.

Startled, they stared at each other.

"Do you think that's her?" Jacqueline asked, surging to her feet.

"I don't know." Reese was standing now, too.

"Maybe we should ask the nurse?" she suggested.

Reese took her by the elbow and they walked to the nurses' station.

"We just heard an infant cry," Reese told the woman, giving her their names.

"We were wondering if that could possibly be our granddaughter," Jacqueline added, keeping her voice hushed so she wouldn't disturb others.

"I'll check for you," she said, and disappeared into one of the birthing rooms. She was gone only a few moments; when she returned, she carried two light-blue gowns. "Put these on, and you can join your family."

Jacqueline didn't hesitate and neither did Reese. When they were ready, the woman led them into the birthing room. This was nothing like the room where Jacqueline had delivered Paul all those years ago. Sofa, chairs, television and even a large swirling bathtub. Goodness, if she hadn't known better, Jacqueline would've thought she'd walked into a hotel suite.

Tammie Lee was in bed, smiling over at Paul who held their baby girl. Her daughter-in-law's face was red, her hair matted with sweat, and tears glistened in her eyes, but she'd never looked lovelier, Jacqueline thought.

"Mom and Dad," Paul said, gently cradling the bundled infant in his arms. "This is Amelia Jacqueline Donovan."

All at once it felt as if Jacqueline's heart had stopped beating. She blinked back unexpected tears. "You named her after me?"

"Amelia was my grandmother's name and we chose Jacqueline because we both love you," Tammie Lee said.

The tears rolled unrestrained down Jacqueline's cheeks as she gazed down on this precious child named in her honor.

"Would you like to hold your granddaughter, Mom?" Paul asked.

Jacqueline nodded as silent tears of joy burned her face. Her son placed the baby in her arms. Unusual though it seemed, Jacqueline was sure little Amelia opened her eyes and looked directly up at her. Invisible threads linked their hearts and in that moment, she knew she was going to love this child more than life itself. She smiled at Tammie Lee through her tears. "Thank you," she said hoarsely. Then she glanced at Reese and noticed he had tears in his eyes, too.

Very gently, her husband bent down and kissed Amelia's forehead. After a brief pause, he kissed Jacqueline's cheek.

"Now you have the daughter you always wanted," he whispered.

Not until much later in the day, after Jacqueline had bought out the baby sections at three Copyright 2016 - 2024