The Shattered Rose Page 0,70


At the same time, she fretted over whether Raoul had any feelings for her at all. Was she just a challenge, mere amusement for an active man stuck up here in the north?

She walked over to the far corner of the bailey, to the training ground, knowing she would probably find Raoul there. What a man he was for military exercise. The previous day she'd watched from an arrow slit as he'd taken on two men-at-arms wielding axes. Though he'd been in mail and armed with sword and shield, her heart had nearly stopped a time or two.

Today, in view of their personal challenge, she refused to watch from concealment, but walked boldly up to the training yard.

Then she saw that they were practicing the quarter staff.

Half naked.

It was a warm day and the exercise had clearly heated the men, for most of them had stripped off their shirts. It was only Raoul's torso, however, that made Aline's heart race. She'd seen him naked when he'd bathed, but she'd been more intent then in not looking at him than in appreciating his attractions.

Today, in the light of their challenge, she felt obliged to assess his weaponry.

Oh, my.

She had five strong brothers, but came from a short family. Raoul's height balanced his strong build, making him the most impressive man present, but it was his movement that captured her. He was graceful and agile as an animal as, one after another, he winded, tripped, or knocked down the men without being touched himself.

"Come on!" he suddenly bellowed. "Why are you lining up like nuns for the Eucharist! Try to take me!"

The ten men looked at one another, then attacked together from all sides, grinning madly at the thought of downing this demon. Still, it took them a while, and a good number of cracked shins and bruises, before they had him beneath them in the dust.

Aline had her hand over her mouth, sure he must be dead.

But the group dissolved and he leaped up, spraying muddy sweat from his hair and dirt from everywhere. Then he saw Aline and grinned, teeth white in his dirty face.

"Care for a bout, my lady?"

Aline turned and fled back to the hall.

Jehanne looked up from where she sat embroidering, cradle by her side.

"What's happened?"

"Nothing!" Aline tried to straighten her veil and slow her breathing.

"Something must have." A sudden smile twitched Jehanne's lips. "Let me guess. Raoul de Jouray."

Aline silently cursed her tendency to turn red. "It just frightened me. Ten men attacked him. . . ."

"Good heavens. Why?"

"Because he told them to, the silly man." Aline sat down and made herself calm enough to pick up her distaff and spin wool as she made the encounter into a funny story.

At the end Jehanne said, "He's Hie kind of man who loves nothing more than fighting and hunting."

Aline concentrated on the evenness of her thread. "Is that a warning?"

"Perhaps. But I shouldn't have said nothing else interests him. I'm sure love-play absorbs him, too."

Aline met her cousin's eyes. "There's no question of anything like that between us."

"Good." But Jehanne did not sound convinced. "However, if he was as dirty as you say, he'll doubtless want a bath." Aline knew she was blushing again, but she said, "I suppose so," and went to make sure there was hot water ready, a wicked tingle of excitement building within her. Her words to Jehanne about love-play had been a lie.

There was already love-play between them. She hoped. And she hoped there would be more.

After a time, when Raoul did not appear, she went in search of him. She found him sitting among the men, shirt on, chatting and laughing as they all attended to weapons. Raoul looked reasonably clean, and was sliding a whetstone down his sword blade with all the care of a lover.

Catching sight of her, he sheathed his sword and came over. For once he looked a little somber. "Lady Aline. I'm sorry if our rough play offended you."

"Of course it didn't."

"Then it was my invitation. I apologize even more."

"So you should. It was lewd." Aline knew she was frowning when she didn't really want to.

"Not at all." A warning twinkle sparked in his eye. "You just misunderstood. I would be happy to train you in quarter-staff work if it interests you."

"Oh, you are impossible!" She looked him over, trying not to notice how his simple braies and shirt showed off his marvelous body. "How is it that you are so clean?"

He looked down at his Copyright 2016 - 2024