The Shattered Rose Page 0,69

the babe back. "I'm for London, then, to take my oath.

Perhaps you should come with me to put your case directly to Henry before anything else happens to upset the apple cart. We'll be a strong party."

Donata wriggled, and so Galeran tried putting her against his shoulder as Jehanne had done. She settled, head resting trustingly close to his. "When do you plan to leave?"

"Within days."

"Women and a baby will slow you down."

"I don't mind traveling slow. I just don't want it to look as if I've dallied."

"I see." Galeran gently rubbed Donata's tiny back, and it seemed as if the babe relaxed even more. It was tempting to stay safe in his castle and hope the world would ignore this tiny, defenseless child. Like most temptations, it was foolish.

"We'll travel with you," he said.

* * * * * As soon as Lord William left, Jehanne appeared at Galeran's side. "I didn't stay to hover over Donata. Did you note that?"

Galeran continued to stroke the sweet burden on his shoulder. "Was I supposed to?" he teased.

"I was trusting you!"

"So I would hope." But Galeran smiled at her intensity. It doubtless hadn't been easy for Jehanne to stay away completely.

At the sound of her mother's voice, the baby turned slightly and gave a mewing cry. "Hungry again?" asked Galeran, lowering her to look into her eyes. "You're a greedy miss."

"They get hungry at this age," Jehanne said, and Galeran heard anxiety in her voice. Would she ever completely trust him with the child?

"Will you be able to travel?"

"Of course. Feeding her is easy, and her appetite should settle again soon.


"My father is going to pledge to Henry. He travels south within days. I said we'd go with them."

"Why?" She'd tensed, but kept the question mild.

"To put our matter before the king. We need it settled."

He could see she feared this as much as he did. But not to act was just as dangerous.

Donata squawked again, and Jehanne took her, jiggling her. "But why so quickly? Surely Henry's hold on the throne is no sure thing."

"Jehanne, we can't delay. With matters disordered by the king's death, Flambard might decide to use force to impose his judgment. I don't want to have to take arms against the Church. At the very best, it will cost us a fortune in fines."

"But won't the king put the matter before a Church court?"

"If he does, it will be under the Bishop of London."

"But what if he decides against us?"

"We can't hide in a hole, saying 'What if...?'" He put an arm around her, around them both. "Trust me?"

She stared up at him. "Of course I trust you. I didn't come out to hover over Donata, did I?"

But it had been conscious trust, frayed by effort. He wanted more than that.

He wanted what they'd once had. ...

Perhaps responding to his silence, she added, "I'm trying. I'm determined to change, to not be so difficult."

He kissed her cheek. "Don't change too much, Jehanne. I love my sharp- tongued, combative wife. I've no mind to find myself married to a honey- voiced, docile creature who would faint at the sight of a wild boar."

She blushed, which pleased him, and tried to hide it by looking down at the babe. "Your father's mad," she confided.

Then she stared at Galeran, appalled.

He made himself smile. "In all but blood I'm her father. But not mad."

* * * * * Aline walked into the solar, but when she saw Galeran and Jehanne talking in such an intimate way, she whipped back into the hall and slipped down to the bailey. Without reason, her heart beat wildly just from witnessing such a tender moment.

Why had she ever thought she wasn't interested in earthy matters? After Mass this morning she'd spoken to Father Robert, embarrassing herself dreadfully as she tried to explain her tangled feelings. She'd half hoped to be told that any contact with Raoul was wicked, that she should go straight back to the convent.

The priest's advice had been quite different. "Lady Aline, you've made no vows. You should take time to learn where God wishes you to serve Him.

Experiencing the temptations of the flesh does not make it impossible to be a nun. Those in Holy Orders can be tempted, but learn to resist. In that they find new strength."

So Aline was left wondering whether her alarming feelings for Raoul de Jouray were a message from God telling her she was to marry, or a temptation of the devil sent to strengthen Copyright 2016 - 2024