Shattered Rose (Winsor Series) - By T L Gray Page 0,30

in the mirror. They were flawless, and I was not. It was like the mirror magnified every imperfection, and tears consumed me as I covered myself up.

“Lord, I know that Satan is like a roaring lion, waiting for someone to devour. I pray you protect her from those who will harm her…”


The night was serene and slightly cool with just a light breeze. I felt like I was living out the perfect romance movie when Jake came to pick me up. He looked totally dapper in tan pants and a fitted V-necked sweater.

I finally settled on an Audrey Hepburn look, classy yet sexy, sporting a fitted black dress with a thin belt around the waist. It was a dress that fit my body well and I tried not to fidget too much as I kept running my hands over any area that felt soft.

His reaction melted my heart and made my confidence soar. He grabbed me by the waist, pulled me close and kissed me on my neck. “You look perfect.”

We had dinner reservations at an Italian restaurant in Asheville that came complete with beautiful music and candlelight. The food was delicious, although I did more picking at it than eating it. I hated eating in front of other people. Jake and I made small talk all through dinner, mostly sharing funny Issy stories.

I looked at him from across the table. I had only known him a few weeks, but in that time he had taken up residency in my thoughts and heart in such a way I didn’t know how I could live without him. I wanted him to feel the same way, where he would talk to me and confide in me. I longed for the closeness.

“I realized when I was getting ready tonight that I don’t really know anything about you. Not even what you want to do when you graduate,” I started, hoping to seize the opportunity. The past few weeks together had been less about talking and more about making out and sneaking around.

Jake smiled flirtatiously, as if reading my thoughts, and settled back into his seat. “I’m hoping to get into stock trading, maybe even dabble a little in international stocks.” He paused as I processed the information. “Why the look?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just surprised that a guy who labels himself as the ultimate caretaker wants to get into such a cut-throat business,” I answered.

“But that’s exactly why it appeals to me. It’s totally about you. In fact, the more selfish you are, the more successful you are,” he explained, his voice full of excitement.

“I guess I didn’t realize that you didn’t like doing it.”

“Taking care of people?” he clarified, and I nodded. “It’s not that I don’t like it. I mean, with my mom and Issy, I wouldn’t want anyone else doing it. But sometimes I just feel, well, trapped by it.” He paused in thought for a second and then asked, “Is this your idea of light dinner conversation?” He had humor in his voice, but I changed the subject anyway.

“Issy said you are in a fraternity. Do you like it?”

“Was in a fraternity, not anymore,” he clarified.

“Why not?”

“I grew up. I mean, I just kind of got my priorities straight this summer and realized I had to focus and finish school. It is my junior year, after all. My mom never even graduated from high school. She got pregnant with me and did what she had to in order to make ends meet.” He didn’t mention his dad, so I assumed he was out of the picture.

“Your grandparents didn’t help?”

“They were pretty old when my mom was born. She was a surprise, so by that time, they really weren’t able to help that much. Mom wasn’t really the type to ask anyway; she was pretty self-reliant, felt she could do it on her own. I guess I know who I get that from, right?” He was trying to lighten the mood, but my heart felt so heavy I had to say something.

“Issy told me she passed away this summer. I’m really sorry. She sounds like a wonderful woman.” I was cautious as I spoke, wanting to convey my compassion, but not wanting him to feel like I was overstepping some imaginary boundary.

“Thanks. Yeah…not the best three months of my life.” He paused, moving around the remnants of food on his plate. “Why do I feel like I’m bearing my soul every time we talk?” He leaned up on Copyright 2016 - 2024