Shadows of the Redwood - By Gillian Summers Page 0,63

a doorway.

The healers surrounded Norzan, and then one turned to glare at Keelie. “You may wait on the forest floor.”

“Yeah, sure.”

Sean grinned. “Why the frown, Keelie? We’ve been ordered to wait alone, together. Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”

“Come to think of it, you are absolutely correct.” Keelie linked her arm through his. “Let’s go.”

They were interrupted again an hour later, when Wena the tree gave a great groan. The wicker gurney bearing Norzan’s still form appeared near them at the base of the tree, flanked by two of the healers. Wena’s spirit was suddenly there too, leaning against the rough bark of her physical form. She looked exhausted.

“Too many traveling the sap,” Wena gasped to them.

“Yeah, it’s sort of a hotel these days, isn’t it?” Keelie sympathized. “I’m sorry, Wena.”

Wena waved them away with one spectral, stick-fingered hand.

The tree creaked as the third healer appeared. The female healer gave Keelie a curious look. “You are the half human, Keliel?” Her tone was snooty, as if she’d been looking for a lioness and found a possum.

Keelie inclined her head regally, as she’d seen her grandmother do. “I am Keliel, Daughter of Zekeliel of the Dread Forest.” Take that, blondie.

The elf woman sneered, and Keelie suddenly knew why these elves seemed familiar. “Are you kin to Elia, daughter of Elianard?”

The woman’s eyes darkened. “She is kin.”

Oh yeah, they’d probably heard that their precious elf princess had married a unicorn. Uncle Dariel, that is, when he took a human form.

“Dear Auntie Elia.” Keelie didn’t even pretend to hide the fake fondness. Even though Elia had somewhat redeemed herself, Keelie could never consider her a true friend. She was wandering around the Dread Forest right now, making everyone fetch things for her just because she was the first elf woman in a generation to get pregnant. And elf generations were three times as long as human ones.

The Northwoods elf woman sputtered, probably trying to think of something mean to say, but then one of the others called her and she hurried to catch up with them.

“Gee, she didn’t even say goodbye.” Keelie waved cheerily.

“Let’s see how they got here.” Sean’s hand closed around Keelie’s. Ahead, flashes of silver marked the movement of the first two healers as they made their way out of the forest, Norzan between them. The woman healer walked behind, holding a glowing light ball aloft and glancing back at them every third step.

In the clearing by the road, a helicopter waited, rotors whirring almost silently.

“Is it electric?” Keelie thought electric helicopters were just for toys. “I didn’t think elves were big on motors.”

“I don’t know much about them myself.” Sean’s arm draped over her shoulder as they watched Norzan get loaded into the back. The female healer turned and walked back toward them.

“Our thanks to Lady Keliatiel for calling us. It will take Lord Norzan long to heal, but he will recover. We shall see you at the Quicksilver Faire.” She bowed, all business, and Keelie and Sean returned the bow.

Keelie wasn’t so sure she wanted to attend the Quicksilver Faire. The snooty factor promised to be high there.

A loud “huzzah” echoed from the direction of the Globe.

“I wonder if the play has started,” Keelie said.

“No telling.” Sean put his arm back on her shoulder, pulling her close to him. “Let’s watch Norzan off and then we can head that way.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

If the healer elves thought it strange that the daughter of the Dread Forest’s tree shepherd considered kissing her bodyguard’s face to be an important part of their farewell, she’d hear about it later. Right now, she enjoyed it too much to care.

Sean and Keelie watched the helicopter vanish above the trees, then cut through the festival grounds to the Globe. They passed Heartwood and Tudor Turnings.

Scott appeared at his doorway. “Are you heading toward the Globe?” He fell into step with them. Sean didn’t seem pleased that Scott had joined them.

“I asked Laurie to join me for a late dessert and coffee after the show,” Scott said. “Want to join us?”

“We might.” Sean dropped his arm over her shoulder. Keelie smiled at the possessive move. “We have to check on Keelie’s grandmother first.”

Laurie met up with them as they passed Sir Davey’s RV in the parking area. A smile erupted on Scott’s face when he saw Laurie. “Guess what? Sean and Keelie are coming, too.”

Laurie grinned. “Great. It’s a double date.” Her eyes widened when she got a good look at Keelie. She pretended to Copyright 2016 - 2024