Shadows of the Redwood - By Gillian Summers Page 0,62

will ask for blood price.” She vanished in a dramatic swirl.

Kalix turned around, anger lining his face. “How dare you disrespect the wishes of Bella Matera. You must do as she says. It is our way.”

“It may be your tradition to follow the trees,” Grandmother retorted, “but when the trees no longer obey the rules of the Great Sylvus, then it’s time a shepherd guided them back to the path. I will speak no more of it.”

Kalix turned to Sariela. “We must call a Council meeting immediately.”

Sariela nodded stiffly, glancing at Grandmother with fear on her face.

Grandmother slumped into a chair the minute the two elves stormed from the room. She seemed every one of her hundreds of years.

“Are you going to be okay?” Keelie kneeled at her grandmother’s feet. “I’m so proud of the way you stood up to them, and to Bella Matera.”

A faint smile brought life to Lady Keliatiel’s face. She put a hand on Keelie’s head. “I just beat you to it, and I’m more powerful than you. I could see your outrage at their suggestion to move Norzan into the forest.”

“What can I do to help you now?”

Grandmother opened her eyes. “I have to go to the Globe. We’re doing a special fundraiser performance tonight.”

“They’ll find someone else to play Queen Elizabeth.”

The look Grandmother shot Keelie would have drilled holes in steel. “They will not. I’ll be there.”

Keelie turned to Sean. “Will you walk with us to the theater?”

Sean nodded. “I’m glad you invited me, because I would have come anyway.” He looked worried, although his tone was light.

Grandmother looked at him. “Keelie cannot go. She must remain here to guard Norzan until the healer arrives.” She glanced toward the doorway. “I’m not sure he’ll be safe, otherwise.”

“I’ll stay as well, then,” Sean added quickly. He winked at Keelie, but went to the doorway and casually looked outside.

“I trust you to behave with decorum.” Grandmother looked toward Sean.

“Of course.” Keelie smiled and put her hand on Grandmother’s shoulder. “You’re the Queen, right?”

Grandmother’s eyebrows rose. “Perhaps Knot is the wrong guardian for you. You seem to be picking up his ways.” She smiled and stood up, wincing. “Perhaps I need some of this coffee you speak of with such fondness.”

“Radical.” Keelie smiled. “You might never be the same. But be careful, okay?”

“I shall.”

Keelie stood by the window and watched Grandmother walk through the forest below. The faint sounds of a harp wafted by. Sean came up behind her and they stood together silently.

“I’m getting used to being alone with you.” Keelie leaned back against him. “Could you live way up in the trees like this?”

“I’m sure it would be fine if you grew up with it.” He put his arms around her waist. Keelie loved the feel of his strong arms next to hers and his warm body behind her. He smelled spicy, but more like soap than the forest. “Of course, I’ll be happy anywhere you are.” He spoke into her ear, making her shiver.

Keelie turned her face toward him, hoping he’d get the hint. He did. His green eyes darkened and he touched his nose to hers, then kissed her.

Oh, god. Keelie was going to die of bliss. All thoughts of tree spirits and missing shepherds vanished. She turned in his arms and kissed him again, snaking her arms around his neck. His hands pressed the small of her back, squeezing her closer.

“Let’s find a way to be alone more,” he whispered. “We’ve managed fine so far today, despite our responsibilities.”

“I’ll make it a priority. You’ll be number one on my agenda.” She stopped talking as he nibbled her jaw.

Someone rapped on the door three times.

Sean swore, and Keelie swatted him on the shoulder. “And what’s with the ‘you’ll be happy anywhere I am?’ Sappy, but good try.”

He groaned. “Was that an awful line?”

The knocking started again, louder this time. Keelie reached up to smooth Sean’s mussed blond hair. “There. You look better now.”

He straightened his tunic and cautiously opened the door. Three tall elves bowed to him. “We are the healers of the Northwoods, come for Norzan,” one said.

Keelie sighed. Her romantic moment was over. “Welcome, healers,” she said. “I’ll show you where Norzan lies.” How did they travel, cross-country sap?

Sean stepped aside and, as Keelie passed him, he swept a hand down her shoulders in a delicious caress, a promise of more to come.

The Northwoods elves seemed familiar. Keelie walked down the hall ahead of them and saw Kalix duck back from Copyright 2016 - 2024