Shadow of My Heart - By Caryn Moya-Block Page 0,60


“Thank you,” Cara said. “I’d like that.”

“Good, come over to the shadows under the awning,” Quiet Thunder directed. “Where else would a Nuni Nagi make his wedding pledge?”

So while Joe and the other security officers tried to calm the crowd, the five of them stood under the awning. Cara and Raven gave their pledges to each other, as Katherine, Derek and Quiet Thunder looked on. When Quiet Thunder said, “You may kiss the bride,” Cara was glad it was finally over. Raven took her into his arms and kissed her tenderly. Life wasn’t always safe. But she was going to hold onto Raven and his family with both hands.

It surprised both of them when the crowd started cheering behind them. All the guests had made their way back to their chairs. Raven and Cara turned to the crowd, holding hands and smiling.


Later that evening Raven carried Cara over the threshold of the guest cottage on Isanti, Inc., property. He had been unable to let her out of his sight all evening. Almost losing her that afternoon had rattled him. In contrast, Cara seemed happy and serene. She took everything in stride, smiling and visiting with their guests until they could finally get away. Raven had been tempted several times to just pick her up and Shadow-walk out of there.

Now they were finally alone, and he didn’t know what to say to her. Should he apologize? Beg her forgiveness? One more time he hadn’t kept her safe. Running his fingers through his hair, he realized she had gone into the bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes for him to follow. On the chair next to the bedroom door lay her boots. On the table under the bedroom window lay the headband, and on the bench at the foot of the bed lay his mother’s dress.

He could hear water going into the whirlpool bathtub. Glancing around the room, he noticed the candles on the shelf, the fruit basket on the table, and the negligee lying on the bed. He would bet Gwen and Lindy had something to do with this. There was also a vase of red roses on the nightstand. He should have thought of this, he chided himself.

Moving over to the table, he noticed a stereo and turned on the music, before dimming the lights. Then, he began to undress, laying his clothes next to Cara’s. The ceremonial outfits would have to go back into climate-control storage after cleaning.

He pulled down the covers on the bed and then sprinkled rose petals on the sheets, before walking around the room and lighting the candles. He heard Cara turn off the water and knew that in a few moments she would come into the bedroom.

She opened the door and turned off the light in the bathroom, leaving the bedroom in the soft glow of candlelight. Raven stood at the foot of the bed, waiting for her. As he gazed at her body through the lace of her robe, he could feel his body hardening. She always did that to him, made him want her.

She stood a moment watching him, watching his body want her, before she slipped the robe off her shoulders and let it slide to the floor. Then, they were reaching for each other. Who knew who moved first, only that neither of them could keep apart any longer.

Raven pulled her close, taking her mouth, while her hands wandered over his chest. Every touch he gave was answered by a touch from her until they were both mad with wanting each other. Unable to wait a moment longer, Raven lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed to lie on the rose-petal-covered sheet.

She sighed before reaching for him again. But he wanted to slow down; they were moving too fast. He wanted to savor her, give her so much pleasure she would burn for him.

He took the hands reaching for him and lifted them up to the wrought-iron headboard. He wrapped her hands around one of the rods.

“Hold on for me.”

Cara’s eyes widened, but she nodded her head yes. He lowered himself next to her, knowing she could feel the state of his arousal against her thigh. He kissed her eyelids and nose before kissing her lips, light butterfly kisses that made her lift her head for more. He pulled back, licking her ear and then biting gently.

“Slow down, tehila. Let me love you,” he said.

Cara moaned, but she stopped trying to force his hand. He went Copyright 2016 - 2024