Shadow of My Heart - By Caryn Moya-Block Page 0,59

Everything is under control,” Derek said, leading her down to the elevators. Cara tried to calm her breathing, but she was so excited and nervous. She had been fussed over all morning. All she wanted to do was escape somewhere with Raven so they could be alone.

As if reading her mind, Derek patted her arm. Maybe he was reading her mind, if he could get through the chaos. They came out of the elevator on the ground floor, but instead of heading toward the main entrance, Derek turned toward the back of the building.

They exited through a small door near the back corner. Standing tied to a tree was a beautiful white horse with flowers and ribbons fastened in her mane and tail.

“This is Moonbeam. Raven bought her for you. Here, let me help you mount. You’ll need to sit sideways on her back. Hold onto the pommel. We don’t want you sliding off.”

“That would be graceful . . . ,” Cara mumbled as the photographer ran up and started taking pictures.

Derek handed her flowers up to her, then took the reins to lead her around the building to where the audience waited to see the ceremony. Raven was standing under a canvas awning with Quiet Thunder, Joe, and Dr. Rick.

Lindy started down the aisle as the music began, and the audience stood and turned. Then, Gwen and Katherine started down the aisle. Derek continued to pat Cara’s knee as he held the horse steady.

“All right, here we go,” he said, beginning to lead the horse forward.


Seeing Cara wearing his mother’s wedding dress took Raven’s breath away. She was gorgeous, and he had missed having her in his arms. He stood in his father’s buckskins and leather shirt, watching as Derek slowly led her forward.

Out of the corner of his eye Raven saw one of the caterers hurrying forward. It was a woman wearing a baseball cap. He turned, knowing something was wrong. She reached into her jacket and pulled out a gun, pointing at Cara.

Raven did some quick calculations in his head and knew he wouldn’t get to Cara in time.

Stepping forward, he yelled, “Amanda, don’t.”

She turned, a sneer of hatred on her face. “You ruined everything,” she yelled at him, now pointing the gun at him. People in the crowd screamed and dove for cover. Derek got Cara off the horse, and then Raven couldn’t see her. Derek had her safely hidden.

Raven glanced around, trying to find a way out. There were no shadows where he was standing in the full sun. He should have stayed under the awning.

“Amanda, you don’t want to do this. Put the gun down,” Raven said, hoping Joe was getting someone from security.

“Oh yes, I do. Derek loved me. But you wouldn’t let him marry me. He told me how you would take his inheritance if he married someone you didn’t approve of. How dare you play God like that? Who do you think you are?”

A shot rang out, and Amanda looked down at her bleeding chest and then at the man who had shot her. She crumpled to the ground. Derek stood to the side, a gun still in his hand. Joe and several security people ran up and surrounded Amanda, taking the gun from her.

Raven walked up to Derek, who still stood frozen, a look of shock on his face. He took the gun from Derek’s hand, before pulling his brother into his arms.

“I couldn’t let her shoot you, Raven. I just couldn’t,” Derek said.

“I know little brother. Thank you, thank you for saving my life.”

Cara looked up at the general, and then they both watched as Raven hugged Derek. The general had handed Derek the gun, and then kept Cara shielded behind the horse. She slipped from the general’s hold and ran over to Raven, putting her arms around both brothers. They stood like that, the three of them, holding onto life, holding onto each other.

Quiet Thunder walked up to them as Amanda was being carried away. “Come, let us continue with the ceremony. Red Hawk take your place as the best man.”

The three of them pulled apart, all of their eyes a bit teary. Katherine walked up to Cara and handed her the flowers she had dropped on the ground when getting down from the horse.

“I’d like to stand in as matron-of-honor as planned,” she said, her eyes pleading with Derek to look at her, but he kept his head down. Cara reached out and put her arm through Copyright 2016 - 2024