Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,71

at my throat, pushing through.

"Oh, I don't think so, pretty thing. If you want me to allow you to live, you're going to do exactly what I say."

I spit on her.

Morgana draws her fist back and punches me. I fall back, out of breath, out of everything.

I retch, but there's nothing for me to vomit.

She pulls me by the hair, and drags me to Violet. "You know, I think I never taught you any lessons. It's past time I got involved in your education, don't you think, granddaughter? Firstly, don't waste your time on kindness. It's never worth it."

She throws me on the bed, next to her daughter. Pulling a set of golden keys out of her neckline, she unlocks Violet's wrist, and tosses her the key. "Be a good girl, and untie yourself. Then, you can bind your niece to the bed and get out of here."

Violet's eyes widen. She glances back at me.

"You would have done as a decent secondary prize, of course, but Ceron always wanted her." Morgana grins wickedly. "He has a taste for revenge that makes him positively unseelie."

"I'd rather die a thousand deaths than let that pig touch me."

"That could be arranged," Morgana says. "But you and I both know you're weak as a kitten. You'll lie there and take whatever your future husband wants to do to you."

I try to get to my feet, but Morgana blasts me again, and I fall backward, twisting in pain.

Violet's awkward and slow, but she unlocks each of her three remaining bonds. "I'm sorry," she tells me.

I don't have the strength to form a response. I don't have the strength to do anything. I let her bind my ankles. I let her take my sword out of my belt, and then, I let her bind my other wrist.

Morgana circles the bed. "See? This is the woman you wasted precious energy on. Not that you could have taken me on with it, but still. You'll remember this lesson, won't you, granddaughter?"

I only wish she were close enough that I could spit on her again.

All I can hope is that Drusk manages to overcome Ceron, somehow. But I've fought against him. He's too strong. I managed to get the best of him last time because I took him by surprise.

I close my eyes. There is no hope. There is nothing I can do.

I am Nevlaria, daughter of the Void. Always powerless against the true queen. She owned me from the very beginning.

I catch movement from the corner of my eye. A girl. One of the four. To my surprise, I recognize her. It's not the first time I’ve seen her naked, after all.


The human girl Morgana took in exchange for Violet when she turned her daughter into a changeling. At her feet three other naked people sit. Two fae, and a human. I am shocked to recognize the lone male among them—Dekren. He’s lost so much weight I took him for a girl at first.

I force myself to ignore them, focusing on Morgana, waiting to see what'll come next. More torture, no doubt.

Then, Rose lifts a knife in her hand and shoves it down, aiming for Morgana's shoulder. Instants before the blade can find its target, the queen catches her wrist, twists it in the air, and plunges it down, forcing Rose to stab herself in the stomach with a cry.

Another girl I've never seen tries to fight her, too, but Morgana is as well trained as she's ruthless. Her body's a beautiful, merciless weapon. Watching her fight is like watching a dancer. Every girl tries to attack her, and all fail, so quickly their attempt is pitiful.

I'm slow to notice whatever hold she had on me is gone. I'm so drained I almost can't tell the difference.

I crawl on top of the bed, and reach toward her before taking her energy. To my surprise, it works. Not well. I feel like I'm only absorbing tiny droplets—she's guarding the rest. Somehow.

Morgana is far more skilled than I've ever been.

No wonder she never allowed me to be trained. She wanted to keep all the power to herself—and it is.

My wrists, I note, are unbound. Violet must have freed me. I lift my other hand, and grunt as I suck her in. I'm too tired. My mind and body don't want to do it, but I force myself to keep taking her in.

All three girls and Dekren are on the ground, bleeding out or already dead. The fae lasted longer than Copyright 2016 - 2024