Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,70

to take any land to the west. Let's face it, the bright days of our history are in the past. No one would have remembered my name if things had gone on as they were supposed to. Now, I'm not saying my consort's betrayal was welcome, but it's certainly opened up some opportunities."

I can't be hearing this right. "You allied with the Vikus boy?"

She shrugs. "He wants to take on his father. I want to be right next to him when he does. And, well, if a sharp knife finds its way into his heart after the wedding, all the better."

"I see." I blink. "Where does this come into it?"

I gesture to the poor, broken girl on the bed.

Morgana smiles at me, batting her long lashes. On the floor, her snake slithers to circle her throne. I note her other familiars aren't here—away, or burned along with the decoy, I don't know.

"Well, he certainly can't marry me. I'm taken, remember? By my traitor of a husband. I suppose I could dispose of him and take Ceron myself, but I'm fond of Alven. I'll retrieve him, make him pay for his betrayal, and have him back at my knee, where he belongs. I've given Violet to Ceron, to bed and wed."

Ceron. That must be the Vikus's name.

I make my way to the bed and look at the girl. Her lips are chapped, her wrists and ankles raw. She must have fought against the bonds. Her wide eyes are red, as though she's long shed her last tear.

If someone had told me I'd pity Violet a few hours ago, I would have believed them mad.

I take her hand and heal her wounds, one after the other.

I am not one to show kindness. Not without a price. I feel like she’s already paid it in full.

"Oh, Nevlaria. Don't be foolish. She would never have done the same for you. This girl has wanted nothing but to destroy our entire family since the day she learned I cast her aside."

I let go of her hand. "Why did you? Cast her aside," I clarify.

Morgana grins. "I can't have too many wolves around me, now can I?"

I frown, not understanding her.

"It's easy to see from the very start. Who our children become. Some are meant to remain in the shadows. I like them most of all. Others have a strength of sorts. They're to be watched. Occasionally, a child is born with enough power to make me wary."

"Like a Void granddaughter," I glean.

"If it had been up to me, I would have sent you away, too. But as your mother had already left court, I thought you'd stay out of the way. My mistake." Morgana stands up.

She's dressed in a stunning black gown with a gold breastplate against her chest. On either side of her wide hips, she has a dagger with a silver hilt and an iron blade.

I've never seen her fight, not once. But I don't doubt for one moment that she knows how to make use of them.

"If you're after the continent, you could go with your Vikus, and leave Tenebris to us," I say, knowing exactly what she'll reply.

She isn't one to share power.

Morgana tilts her head. "And why would I give you what belongs to me?"

I close my eyes. There is only one way this ends. I lift my hands and start absorbing her power.

At least, I try.

She doesn't have any shield, any protection against my Void, and yet, I don't manage to.

She laughs at me, positively delighted.

Then, she draws one of her two swords in her left hand, and reaches out to me with the right.

And she sucks me.

The Void


A Void. Morgana is also a Void. It makes no sense at all. If that was the case, surely people would have known it. And yet, I feel my life essence draining, drop after drop, and I scream. I don't know how to stop it. I've never had to.

The very thought that I’d caused such suffering to others, even my worst enemies, makes me feel sick. This is worse than any torture, worse than getting kicked and punched by Ceron.

Suddenly, I understand the women at her side. I understand why she kept so many familiars back in the Wicked Court. I even understand her fascination with Alven. She was sucking on them all, increasing her power by taking theirs, little by little.

Blinded by pain, weaker than ever, I try to lift my hands anyway, and suck her right back.

Morgana's blade is Copyright 2016 - 2024