Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,52

curves inside me, and he slides his left arm under my torso to reach my breast, cupping it harshly. Gone is the patience and care he exhibited yesterday. His hands are rough, purposeful. In just a few strokes, a few moments, I'm desperate for more, and so, so close to the abyss.

"Please." I don't think I've ever said that word to anyone at all—certainly not to Drusk. But I say it now anyway. I need more.

"Please what, Your Highness? Do you want me to stop?" His voice is filled with malice.

I gasp. He wouldn't dare!

He laughs at me as I glare behind my shoulder, before bringing his skilled lips to my mouth. His kiss is everything I wanted earlier, when he bullied me into sleeping: deep, demanding, lustful.

I'm lost in a tumult of sensation stronger than everything I have ever experienced.

Though he's only touched me this way once, it's as if Drusk knows my body already; he presses and flicks me exactly where I need until I explode.

I've never reached an orgasm this fast, not while touching myself or with any partner. I wouldn't have thought it possible.

My mother, the Sea Court, my bargains, the usurper, Tenebris. None of it matters in this precious moment where the world disappears. There's only me and him.

I sit up and turn to him. This time, he lets me. I climb over him, discarding our bed sheet. My hands rest on his taut, defined chest, and slide along it, caressing his beautiful skin. He's glorious. And mine. Mine, mine, mine. I will never get enough.

I'm done with games for now. I need him, and I don't let anything else matter. I fumble with the string closing his breeches and free him from his pants. My eyes stay fixed on him as I lower myself onto him, moving slowly, feeling every inch of him fill me up, expand me. Drusk grasps my hips and moves to sit up, but I push him back down on the bed. He drove me to the edge of madness—twice. It's my turn. His grip on me tightens, but he lets me lead. I undulate, rising and falling, dancing on him, taking more each time until he's inside me, to the hilt. I'm teasing us both, and soon I’ll need more, but the raw hunger in Drusk's eyes makes me want to keep the torture going, so I keep checking my pace, riding him so, so slowly. Each time he moves under me, thrusting deep or attempting to quicken the pace, I shush him and slow down further.

Then he's done. With a roar, Drusk pushes my hands off his chest, drags my legs toward him, and lifts them in the air under the knees, holding me hovered over him. Then, he takes me, hard, fast, punishingly, thrusts starting before the last is over. I can't think, I can hardly breathe. He's a wild beast unleashed, and I love every moment of it. I lose it. I lose it without warning, coming undone, and Drusk never stops his onslaught, pounding deep inside me while I collapse and lose my senses. I'm still a cotton ball, a doll without a spine or strings, when he shifts us so I'm under him, my hips high over my knees and my chest against the mattress. He pushes the white dress off me and enters me, resuming his relentless assault. I let him because I'm too tired to think about forming words. Part of me thinks I could pass out, exhausted, spent. Then something changes; my insides tighten, heat up again. I realize I'm not tired at all anymore. From this angle, he's too big for me, but he doesn't care: he takes, and takes, and takes, and I love it. I push my hips back to meet him and lift my chest, now on all fours. My hands reach back to part my cheeks, if only to feel him a little deeper. Drusk takes it as an invitation; his skilled finger presses me higher, probing my second entrance.

"So very tight, princess. One day, I'll take you there, too."

I scoff. "In your dreams."

He laughs like I'm silly to even pretend I’ll deny him. "Oh, I will. And you'll like it. Just like you like this."

He's right, I do enjoy the ministration of his thumb in my ass. What is he doing to me?

"I'm going to come inside you, princess. I'm going to fill you."

It's a warning, not a question, and my only response is to Copyright 2016 - 2024