Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,51

He curves his index finger and rubs me softly. Then without warning, he presses his tongue against my clit, hard, and I give in. I wail. It's involuntary, insuppressible. I'm gripping the arms of my chair, claws digging into the wood. He's relaxed and aroused me like no one ever has. Now he changes his song, rough and demanding, sucking, inserting another finger. I'm whining and rocking against his mouth. My hands leave the chair to thread in his mess of blue-black wavy hair. I'm holding him right there, just in case he's cruel enough to think of leaving me wanting when I'm so, so, so very close to the edge of the precipice.

Drusk tilts his head to reach my wrist and drops his lips against it before returning his attention where I need it. He blows on me, and flicks his tongue, smirking at me.

I fall. Without warning, without control, I fall. I think I might have screamed, gripping his shoulders hard enough to make him bleed.

Oh, by all the gods in this world and the next, this man is a gift. A gift I can't believe I've ignored for years and years. I should have leaped on him the very first day and demanded he take care of me. Although perhaps not; he has no doubt learned these tricks sometime over the last decade.

I breathe harder than I do after a long, hard run, all my muscles spent. But me? I'm awake. Awake, and hungry.

Drusk gets on his feet and wraps his strong hands around my waist, lifting me up. I let him, acting like a doll in his arms. He can do with me what he wishes after that performance.

He carries me to my bed, and takes care to lower me gently before joining me, taking the side he was on so many hours ago, before we were interrupted by an army at our doors.

I shift to face him, eager for more, but Drusk is in bed, tucked in under the covers. His face is so close to me, I could kiss him. And I do just that, taking his lips, hard. He kisses me back, but doesn't give in to my attempt to deepen the kiss.

"Aren't you an eager little thing, princess," he whispers against my lips.

I am, and I'm not even going to pretend otherwise. I'm done playing for the day.

"But if you want me, you're going to have to pay the price."

I lift a brow. "Oh?"


He can't be serious.

He chuckles low. "I want us well rested for tomorrow. Sleep a little, and I'll be happy to oblige in any way you could want me to when we wake."

I want to pout. "That sounds counterproductive."

"And nonetheless, it's my bargain. Take it or leave it."

He's bluffing. I'd wager almost anything that if I were to slip out of this dress, straddle him, and ride him, he'd let me. He'd do far more than let me. I don't argue, because annoying as it is, he's right. We both need rest before dusk. Before the world changes for the third time this week.

I close my eyes, doubting that sleep will ever come to me, excited and aroused as I am. But it isn't long before his scent, the rhythm of his heart beating right against me, and the arm he wraps around my middle make me feel safe, sound, and calm.

And so I sleep.

He wakes me with a trail of kisses along my neck. Sometime during the night, I turned around to face away from him. He's right behind me, the heat of his chest warming my back.

I could get used to this. Waking up every day just like that.

"It's almost twilight, princess."

"Queen," I grumble.


I suspect he's never going to call me queen. Not that I'd demand it of just about anyone else. I never wanted the crown—I'm only wearing it because I'm the one person who can. But the way he says princess has always bugged me—anything else would be better than that.

"How did you sleep?" I ask, moving to turn to him, but he laughs and grips my hips, pinning me in place.

"Small talk?" Drusk asks. "I can think of better ways to wake up. Can't you?"

Before I can think of any reply, he slides his hand between my legs, to my entrance, still as dripping wet as it was a few hours ago. Now, I can definitely think about a few things more interesting than enquiring about his sleep schedule.

The finger of his right hand Copyright 2016 - 2024