Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,94

Jaeren was sitting astride a unicorn of the purest white, bowing in homage to the goddess.

"Fuck me."

"What was that, Sister?" She smiled at me warmly.

"Nothing." I just shook my head. "So, what do we do now?"

She crouched in front of me, smiled, and kissed my forehead. "Now, you live your lives. For as long as you can or want. When it is time to move on, you shall join us." She reached up and took the hand of the lord. "And then we shall all dance together." She paused for a moment and grew solemn once again. "I am truly sorry for the loss of your father."

"Can I ask one more question?"

She nodded.

"What happens when a god dies?"

"That, I do not know. I would like to think there is something more beyond death for even us, but that is a mystery only two know the answer to, and they are not here to give us the answer."

"Wait and see?"

"Wait and see, Sister."


"I don't think I've ever been more nervous in my life," Josie whined and lowered the veil over her face.

"Well, just think of it this way, Sister. Even if you weren't getting married today, you're still going to spend an eternity with her. So, there is absolutely nothing to be nervous about. You're just making it official." I smiled at Josie over her head, into the mirror we'd hung on the wall of the tent.

"An eternity, huh? With Candace. That does sound like heaven." She grinned back at me. "I still can't believe–"

I shut her up with a hand over her mouth, trying hard not to smear her lipstick. That was one thing I refused to talk about. "Remember the rule."

"No god talk," she muttered behind my hand, but it came out more like, "Vo gov tavk."

"You got it. The less you talk about it, the more normal things stay. And I'm very fond of my normal," I said and took my hand away.

"You've never been normal, weirdo. You ready to hitch us up?"

"You betcha." I offered her my hand and helped her up off the stool that had settled in the grass of the grove.

"Have you seen Candy? Is she beautiful?"

"Even if she weren't dressed in a gown of pure white silk, she would be beautiful, but yes. She is."

"Oh, my goddess. The butterflies in my stomach!"

"I told you, you have nothing to be nervous about!"

"I meant from seeing her!" She grinned and practically ran to the flap of the tent, peering outside.

"Stay here. You know the drill and no peeking! Come out when the music starts."

"I know. We did it like three times yesterday."

"I know you know, but this is you we're talking about." I kissed her cheek and ducked through the opening, smiling at Chief and Jimmy standing by the huge oak next to the red runner leading into the grove and altar on the far side.

"She ready?" Chief motioned toward the tent I'd just come from with the beer in his hand.

"As she'll ever be. You're not supposed to start drinking until after the wedding."

"Well, I was getting nervous. We only have an hour left."

I shaded my eyes with my hand and stared up at the sky. He wasn't joking. The moon and the sun were still in the sky, but the sun wouldn't be for much longer. We'd thought it fitting for the ceremony but had a narrowed window of execution. "Tell Shea to start the music."

Jimmy lifted a radio and keyed up the mic. "Perv One to Shadow Boy, come in."

"Shadow Boy here. Over."

"Cue the gather music."


The elven quartet inside the grove started playing the cue music to let the guests know to gather and that the wedding was about to start. People from the tented area and the parking area started heading into the grove.

"Afternoon, Lady," David Stevens said as he and his wife Connie passed. She looked beautiful, even three months pregnant.

"Hi, Dave. You look radiant, Connie!" I smiled as she grimaced. Since I'd taken over the coven, they'd been so busy and things had been so crazy, we hadn't had much time to socialize. It was nice to see faces I hadn't seen in a while. It added to the normal.

I felt the coolness that was Yuki in my mind a moment before she slid up to my side. "The vampires are all set. My mother is so happy!" She grinned up at me.

I looked over at the special section of the grove we'd set up for them. I'd woven Copyright 2016 - 2024