Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,35

it and his peasant shirt off. Shea rolled his eyes in protest.

"Master's orders," Dar whispered in his ear loudly enough for me to hear.

Shea looked at me shyly, his protests turning to a smile. "As our guest wishes."

Dar took the third glass of wine and motioned for the table, pulling out the seat on the end for me. "Thank you, sir."

When I sat, he reached down and grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head after I set my glass down. "What are you doing?"

"If you wish us to be shirtless during dinner, we cannot allow our guest to stand out." He kissed my shoulder as I instinctually covered my breasts with an arm.

The only problem was, next to them, I felt inadequate.

One look from Dar as he sat next to me, quelled my inhibitions. I couldn't have pried his eyes from me with a two-by-four. "How was work?"

"Busy as usual."

"How did Ellis do?"

"Ask him yourself."

"That good?" I felt bad for him. To be thrust into working a mundane job with no experience must have been quite the culture shock.

"No, I mean ask him yourself. He should be here any moment."

Shea chuckled and set his and another glass of wine on the table. He had purposely not told me and only put out three glasses, the little shit. One thing was for certain, I was putting my shirt back on. I reached for the garment, but Dar stopped me with a hand.

"Do not tell me you do not desire him, Master. I've been around when you were together."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "So?"

He leaned a little closer. "I could smell your desire." He rubbed my leg for emphasis.

"So? He's hot. If I bedded every guy I found hot??'d have a bed full of guys," I finished lamely. If I were being honest with myself, I had. Except for Jaeren and Ellis. At least the guys weren't pushing Jaeren on me. I would have loved to know what their obsession was with Ellis, though.

"What gives?"

"Pardon?" Dar blinked in confusion.

"Ellis. You're not the only one pushing me at him. What is it?"

Dar sighed and looked at Shea who set a roasting pan on the glass topped table. "You tell her."

"Tell me what?" I was losing patience.

"Your power calls to him."

"My what?"

"He is a dark elf. Your power calls to him. Every one of us can see it but you."

"No. I can feel it. But I can also ignore it." I took another sip of wine, almost angrily, and let the burn add to the fire in my belly. "Besides, I already have a dark elf." I rubbed Shea's butt, which had a miraculous calming effect, I might add.

"I am only half. And I am your link to the shadows. Yuki is your link to the vampires. Dar is your link to the demons. You need Ellis as much as he needs you," Shea answered as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "He will be your link to the unseleighe sidhe."

"I'm not sleeping with Yuki!" There was no way in hell that would ever happen. I liked guys and she liked??nime.

"But you love her."

"Yes, but??

"The link does not need to be sexual in nature. Love is enough," Dar said and lifted the lid from the pan, earning himself a swat on the hand from Shea.


"But it smells so good."

It did. All thoughts of Yuki and Ellis flew out the fucking window as soon as Dar lifted the silver lid and a puff of steam filled the air around us. My mouth started watering even more. As if Shea and Dar weren't enough to make a person drool.

"He is ready," Shea said and walked to the corner of the room, disappearing into the shadows and returning a moment later with Ellis in tow.

"Greetings, everyone." He smiled at Dar and practically beamed at me.

I couldn't help from noticing his bulging pectoral muscles unencumbered by any sort of clothing. He was dressed identically to Shea. Leather pants and naked from the waist up. I forgot about the food in front of me. The meal that had just walked through the shadows looked way tastier.

"See?" Dar chuckled beside me.

"Fuck off." I mouthed the words out of the corner of my mouth, refusing to turn my head away from Ellis. Realizing I was staring, I shook my head and shot Dar a dirty look. "What about Jimmy, and Dennis, Chief and Jason?"

"What about them?"

"Uh??ello? Haven't even discussed this with them."

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