Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,34

room without me, thanking me for letting him crash there. I even offered to ask Yuki to cuddle with him. He'd been less than pleased, even though I'd been joking. Yuki smacked me in the back of the head when he wasn't looking. I thought their whole damn rivalry thing was kind of cute. And fun to exploit for my own entertainment.

"You could have just shadow walked into the apartment," Shea said as he pulled the door open with his hands encased in oven mitts.

"That would be rude." I kissed him on the forehead as I walked inside the earthy apartment. Truth be told, I loved spending time there. His wood furnishings and taste in d茅cor ranged from Middle Earth to elven assassin.

"Dinner is almost ready. Wine?"

"As long as it doesn't knock me on my ass."

"No promises, Lady." He let out a string of musical laughter and headed back to the kitchen. He was wearing a leather apron and had his hair tied back with a black ribbon. Even without the leather pants he was hot. Watching his ass in said leather pants, he was drool worthy. I had failed to get him in the habit of wearing jeans or sweatpants. While he would have looked magnificent in gray sweatpants, you wouldn't have been able to see every ripple of every muscle in his ass and legs as he walked.

"Where's Dar?" I was making conversation.

"In the shower. He just got home from work."

"You should have told me to come later."

"By the time he gets out of the shower, dinner should be done, Lady." He pulled off the oven mitts and pulled an ancient bottle of wine off the wine rack that looked like it had been grown from grape vines. Deftly cutting the wax from the top with the dagger he kept somewhere on him when he wasn't wearing the heavy cloak he fought in, he tucked it away and held his palm to the bottom of the bottle, whispering something too softly for me to hear. I watched in fascination as the cork wiggled itself out of the bottle and fell deftly into his hand.

"Telling you. You should get a job as a sommelier."

"And spend time away from my beloved books? I think not, Lady." He smiled at me and started pouring the amber liquid into three crystal glasses on the counter.

"What's this one?"

"Elven fire wine."

"Sounds spicy."

"Not at all." He grabbed two of the glasses, handed me one, and then lightly touched the rim of his glass to mine before taking a sip.

I brought the glass to my lips and inhaled. It smelled like summer. I could practically hear the waves of the lake as they gently lapped the shore. Laughter filled my ears as I took a sip. It went down smooth, settled in my belly, and then began to warm me from the inside out. "They should call it summer instead of fire."

"It is in reference to the warming effect. Elven travelers often brought this on cold voyages. I thought it fitting considering the weather and the meal."

"What are we having?'

"Seared venison loin astride roasted root vegetables and fondant potatoes with a port reduction."

"Deer, veggies, and taters?"

"Yes." He stared at me blankly.

"Well, if it's as good as it sounds, I'm sure I'll love it." I chuckled and pulled him in for a hug, careful not to spill our wine.

He pressed his face against my chest. "I have missed you."

"Missed you too, my Shea."

He looked up at me with one of those innocent smiles that made my heart melt and lady bits get squishy. Leaning in, I kissed him.

"I see the two of you are skipping to dessert."

Turning around, I grinned at the half-naked blue demon in the doorway to the bedroom. My squishy bits drooled. He was wearing nothing but a white towel and the contrast between it and his azure skin was mesmerizing. As was the bulge in the front of the towel.

"Let me throw on some pants," he said and blew me a seductive kiss.

"Not on my account, I hope." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

He returned before I got my staring situation under control, wearing the gray sweatpants I'd been picturing on Shea. "Dar, we have a guest. You should wear something more appropriate. At least put on a shirt."

Dar frowned. What say you, Master? Would you like me to wear more, or divest Shea of some of his??/p>

Divest away!

Dar laughed and walked over to Shea, untying the thong on the apron and taking Copyright 2016 - 2024