Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,60


“And now is different how?” he asked, then stood, carrying her in his arms a moment before the door burst open and Rashid rushed in, pushing a wheelchair.

“I’m not getting in that thing!” she declared. The poor man looked ready to faint. “But, Your Highness! It’s time! The doctor is on the way!”

“I’m fine!” she asserted, even as her grip tightened on Amit’s hand. “It’s nothing but…” she couldn’t finish that sentence because a contraction hit and she doubled over in pain.

“Are you convinced now?” Amit asked, then chuckled when she glared at him. “That’s my darling!” he teased and lifted her more securely into his arms. “I’ll carry her,” he told Rashid.

Sixteen hours later, Amit breathed a sigh of relief when his eight pound, ten ounce son made his appearance.

“Is he okay?” Harper asked, her hair matted with sweat against her forehead after her ordeal.

“He’s perfect!” Amit placed the newborn in Harper’s arms. “Just like you.”

Harper snorted her disbelief at that, then sighed happily as she gazed at the baby in her arms. “Think he’ll have hazel eyes?” she asked, but already knew the truth.

“Probably,” Amit replied, looking down at his family.

Harper smiled. “I hope he will.” She then turned and looked up at her handsome husband. “I love you, Amit.”

He brushed her hair back from her face. “I love you too.”

Request from Elizabeth: Thank you ladies for all of the amazing reviews that you’ve provided to me over the past few months. I read every single one of them and use your feedback when writing the next story. If you wouldn’t mind, please take just thirty seconds to write a review for me. Just click HERE to leave a review – and THANK YOU!

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Keep scrolling for a titillating excerpt from Book 2 in The Raminar Family Series – Gaelen’s story!

Entangled with the Prince

Release date: December 18, 2020

Click HERE to get Gaelen’s story!

“Two whiskeys, darlin’” a man called out. Savannah smothered a weary sigh and turned, pasting a cheerful smile onto her features.

“Right away, sir,” she told the man, even though he wasn’t sitting in her station. The roof top bar catered to the wealthy business people that worked in Manhattan’s business district, stopping by the exclusive restaurant for an overpriced drink and some networking before heading home.

This was Savannah’s second job. Sort of her third, if one counted attending college classes this afternoon. But thankfully, she was almost finished with design school. Graduation was only a few short weeks away. As she headed to the bar to put in the order for the whiskeys, Savannah reminded herself that she had only three more weeks and then she’d walk across that stage and get her degree. It had taken her a few extra years to finish because she’d had to work her way through college. But she’d done it! She was almost there! She even had a job offer from one of the most prestigious firms in the city and she couldn’t wait to finish studying her craft and start actually doing the work instead of just learning about it!

Oh, the thought of having only one job, of sleeping in on the weekends instead of rushing off to one of her part time jobs. Or finishing her day at five or six and relaxing during the evening hours. Oooh! Maybe taking an aerobics class! Yes, the sweet life she was going to have! All of that would happen in just a few short weeks!

“Thanks Mike,” she smiled to the bartender as he put the drinks on her tray.

“No problem, Savannah,” he grinned as she picked up the tray and carried the drinks back to the customers.

“Here you go,” she greeted the two men as she placed their drinks on the table with a smile.

“Thanks, honey,” the other man replied.

Savannah ignored their leers and moved to the next table, surveying each drink to ensure that they were full. It wasn’t too busy tonight, but she knew the bar would be packed later on. Friday nights were always busy. Thankfully, the tips were great and she preferred busy nights, because there were more customers. That meant more tips and more money to help pay her rent!

Just a few more weeks and she’d have a full time job, she reminded herself. Just thinking about that job offer made her Copyright 2016 - 2024