Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,59


Shaking her head, she focused on his question. “I’m not…” she stopped, thinking back. “I can’t be pregnant! We always used protection. You always used protection.”

He shrugged and the gesture seemed like the epitome of an indolent sheik of old. “Condoms fail.”

“No, they don’t!”

He laughed and pushed up so that he was sitting, then tucked several pillows behind his back and pulled her onto his lap. “They haven’t in the past,” he replied, curling his arms around her so that she was pressed more perfectly against him. “But I’ve never had this level of uncontrollable desire for a woman in the past. It’s possible that I wasn’t as careful as I should have been.”

Harper gasped for breath, but instead of pulling away from him as she might have done in the past, she laid her head against his shoulder, breathing slowly and deeply. “I’m not pregnant.”

Amit kissed the top of her head, letting his hands drift over her soft skin. “Of course you’re not,” he said reassuringly. Silently, he wondered how he would get her to see a doctor. She’d practically climaxed when he’d teased her nipples earlier. And there was a very definite curve to her stomach. He knew because he was familiar with her body. Yes, she’d been gone for several weeks but…he couldn’t think beyond that moment.

Automatically, his arms tightened around her as he thought about the hell he’d gone through after she’d left. “Don’t leave me ever again,” he whispered.

He barely had the words out before he felt her kiss his chest. Then his shoulder. “I won’t ever leave you again, Amit. I’m so sorry that I put us through that. I won’t ever do it again.”

He stroked her soft hair. “Thank you,” he murmured.

She smiled and he knew that he’d never grow tired of that smile. She looked so beautiful when she smiled like that. His fingers itched to capture the image she made, but instead, he tilted her backwards and shifted their bodies so that he was hovering over her. Slowly, very slowly and very thoroughly, he made his way down her body, kissing every inch of her, showing her with his own language how much he loved her.


“Stop!” Harper laughed at the evil intent sparkling in his eyes. “You’re not touching me again. Not until this baby is born!” She closed the door and moved deeper into his office.

“Is that so?” he asked softly, one eyebrow lifting with amusement. “Think you can hold out that long?”

Harper sighed, then waddled forward. “I think so. Especially since I feel about as sexy as a whale right now!” Automatically, he pushed his chair back from the massive wooden desk, anticipating her coming around and sitting on his lap. When he had his arms around her, he leaned forward, taking in the soft, beautiful scent that would always be Harper. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine. Not fine.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Cranky and irritable. Hungry, but I can’t eat anything.”

He let his hand slide over her stomach and was rewarded by the not-so-gentle kick of their baby against his hand.

“She’s irritated about something too,” Harper groaned, placing her hand over his. “I want this to be over!”

He laughed, kissing her softly. “Soon.” His hand tightened on her stomach, feeling…something. “Possibly sooner than we anticipated.”

Harper tried to stand up. “What? What are you feeling? And how do you do that all the time?” she grumbled.

“Do what?” he asked, keeping her on his lap while he grabbed the receiver on his phone.

“How do you know what’s going on before anyone else knows?”

“Rashid, call the doctor. Tell them that my wife is in labor.”

Harper gasped. “I’m not!” and tried to stand up again, pulling away from him. But Amit held her in place, his hand moving back to her stomach.

“You are. You’re having contractions, Harper.”

She shook her head, her hair dancing around her shoulders. “I’m not!”

He smiled slightly, but his eyes lit up with humor. “How many times did you tell me that you weren’t pregnant before you believed me?”

Harper rolled her eyes. “About a dozen.”

He remained silent for a long moment, waiting for her to catch up with him. When she did, there was a long hiss. That’s when he felt her trembling. “I’m not ready.”

He laughed softly, his finger tracing a path down her cheek. “You just told me that you were eager for this to be over.”

She gripped his fingers, fear of the unknown catching up with her. “Yes, but that was before. This is Copyright 2016 - 2024