Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,35

Together, they stroked Hiccup’s neck, then he moved her hand down to her back and sides. “Don’t ever go behind a horse,” he warned as he led her slowly along Hiccup’s flanks. “They kick when startled.” He felt her tense, but moved his hand around her waist, pressing his palm against her stomach. “Always run your hand along her body, letting her know where you are. If she knows your location, then she’ll feel better.”

“She is very sweet,” Harper whispered, as if saying it louder might startle the horse.

He laughed softly. “Horses have an excellent sense of hearing. She can easily hear you whispering. It’s pointless to try to keep a secret from a horse.” He guided her hand back up towards Hiccup’s head again. “Horses love our voices. Another way to soothe your horse is to talk to her. Let her get to know your voice and feel comfortable with you. She’ll quickly start to understand the tones in your voice.”

“Just like kids,” she replied. He heard her astonishment and smiled.

“Exactly. Kids pick up the nuances of their parents’ voices. So do horses. They feel bad moods and good moods and react to both.” He led her hand closer and closer to Hiccup’s head. “Sometimes, when I come out to ride and I’m frustrated about something, my horse knows and he is extra irritating. He forces me to concentrate on riding instead of whatever is bothering me.”

“That sounds annoying,” she grumbled.

Amit chuckled. “It’s his way of getting me to stop thinking about my troubles and focus on him. He’s a bit self-centered.”

Harper glanced over her shoulder at him, her eyes conveying her disbelief. “Are you teasing me?”

His arm tightened around her waist. “Not even a little.”

She smiled, shaking her head, but she didn’t take her hand away from Hiccup’s neck.

“I have some apple slices in my pocket. Reach in there and give them to Hiccup. She’ll fall in love with you.”

Harper ignored his suggestion. “I don’t think that I’m ready to feed her. Don’t they have big teeth?” she asked, pushing back, but he was right behind her and wouldn’t let her step away.

“Yes, they have big teeth, but if you hold the apple slices flat in your hand, they can’t easily bite you. Besides, if they bite, they won’t get another treat. They all know this and Hiccup is especially careful since she’s such an apple fanatic.”

Harper laughed and, because his hand was still around her waist, he felt the sound echo through his body. It was electrifying and he cursed himself for bringing her out here instead of staying in her suite and making love to her. He knew that he could have done just that, but he also suspected that she wasn’t ready for intimacy so quickly. And for some reason, Amit wanted her all in when he finally took her to bed.

“Here,” he said, handing her the apples since he could feel her wariness about digging into his pockets. He positioned the apple slices in her hand, then moved her closer to Hiccup’s head. The mare already smelled the treats and eagerly searched for them, finding them in Harper’s hand and nuzzling her fingers.

“Just relax,” he soothed when Harper jerked. “I’m here and she won’t hurt you. I promise.”

“I don’t believe you,” she gasped, huddling back against him as Hiccup sniffed her hand. “Amit!” she yelped.

He laughed and reached for her fingers. “Open your hand, palm flat.”

Harper followed his instructions, but he suspected it was because he was holding her hand out.

Hiccup obviously understood Harper’s fears and slowly sniffed the apples. The gentle mare reached out and, with only her lips, delicately picked up the apple slices one at a time.

He felt her release the breath she’d been holding and laughed softly, his arm tightening around her waist. “Not so bad, huh?” he asked, then offered her more apple slices. “You do it this time.”

Bravely, Harper took the apples and extended her hand towards the horse. Very carefully, Hiccup accepted the offering, watching Harper as she chomped on the treat.

“There. You did it.”

Harper smiled, turning to grin up at him over her shoulder. “That was amazing!”

“Good. Are you ready to ride her?”

The smile vanished and he tightened his grip on her before she could run away. “Trust me,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck. “I’ll be right here, guiding Hiccup the whole way. We’ll just walk around the corral today.”

“Just the corral?” she asked with trepidation. “You won’t make me go out…there?” she pointed towards the Copyright 2016 - 2024