Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,34

but didn’t realize that she’d made the sound. All she knew was that she wanted him to keep kissing her.

“We need to get away from this bed,” he grumbled. “Let’s go meet your horse.” And with those words, he stepped back and took her hand, almost dragging her out of her suite.

The only consolation she felt was that his voice wasn’t normal. It was still deep and sexy and…good grief, she’d felt his arousal on her stomach and…looking at him, she realized that he truly was fully erect!

“I know,” he growled, pausing with a hand on the door. “And if you don’t stop looking at it, then it won’t go away.”

It took a moment before his meaning got through to her. When it finally did, she gasped, her hand slapping over her mouth as she laughed.

Amit made a strange sound that might have been a laugh or perhaps a groan. Maybe both. “It isn’t funny.”

She looked up at his scowling face and couldn’t stop another laugh from bursting out of her.

He swung her around, right into his arms again. “If you don’t stop laughing at my...predicament…then we’re not leaving this room.” He jerked his head meaningfully towards the bed. “We’re going to find a different solution that I guarantee will be much more satisfying.”

“I’m sorry,” she replied, then resolutely smoothed her features into a straight face. It was difficult though, because she felt giddy with the power she had over his body. Even as they stood there, she could feel his arousal against her stomach. It was heady, knowing that she could do this to him with just a kiss.

“Harper, I’m warning you,” he grumbled, lowering his head.

She leaned back, laughing but quickly banished it. “I’m sorry!” she gasped, his hands firm against her back. “It’s just…you’re…and I’ve never had that sort of effect on someone before!”

He frowned curiously at her for a moment, not understanding. “Harper, you’re a beautiful woman.”

She shrugged, biting her lip for a moment. “Men are normally…well, they are intimidated by me, I think.”

There was still a fire in those hazel eyes of his, but the confusion increased. “Intimidated how?”

Looking at his genuine confusion, her heart soared. Feeling almost light-headed, she leaned towards him slightly. “Well, because I generally make more money than most men. Several of my…uh…romantic partners have mentioned that my income was emasculating.”

He blinked at her for a moment, and threw his head back, laughing. When he looked down at her again, he shook his head. “They were idiots, Harper,” he told her, then kissed her briefly. Pulling back, he sighed deeply, then nodded. “I think I have this under control. Let’s go visit the stables.”

She didn’t argue this time, happy to walk alongside him as he explained about the various horses in the stables and the one he was going to introduce her to in particular. She was fascinated by the depth of his knowledge of horses.

Until they arrived at the stables!

That’s when she saw the massive horse that he wanted her to ride. Granted, the lady had beautiful eyes and she looked gentle enough, but she was still huge!

“Harper, this is Hiccup,” Amit introduced, then turned around to discover that Harper was no longer by his side. In fact, she was several feet away and looking as if she was considering bolting.

With a chuckle, he walked back towards her. “Trust me,” he urged, gently taking her hand and leading her towards the gentle mare. “She won’t bite and she’s very sweet.”

“Why is she named ‘Hiccup’?”

Amit took her hand and lifted it so that she was stroking the mare’s neck. “Because when she was born, there were several issues with her birth. The vet attending her birth didn’t think she was going to make it, but every time something happened, he’d simply tell the mother that there was a hiccup in the birthing process. It seemed to soothe the mother mare, so we named the foal Hiccup.”

“That’s horrible!” Harper soothed, instinctively moving closer to the mare, just as he’d expected. Harper was an incredibly empathetic woman, which was what made her such an amazing psychologist.

Instantly, the mare’s mood shifted, changing from wary of Harper’s hand to curious.

“It’s okay,” Amit assured her when Harper grew antsy of the big animal’s movements. “She’s only showing you that she likes your touch,” he explained, moving behind her so that she’d walk into his body if she tried to move away. He lifted her hand and showed her how to stroke the animal. “Just like this.” Copyright 2016 - 2024