Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,14

What did that mean?

With a deep breath, she nodded, then abruptly turned on her heel and left the office.

Even as she pulled the door closed behind her, Harper could feel the weight of his gaze on her.

Amit stared at the doorway where the lovely doctor had just left, wondering why he felt such an intense desire to…kiss her. To pull those damned pins out of her hair and run his hands through the soft tresses. Hell, he wanted to pull her into his arms and discover if her lips were as soft as they looked or if her body was as curvy as it seemed to his hungry eyes.

She felt it too, he realized. He’d recognized the tension in her eyes because he felt it too. He’d also seen the way her body reacted, her breasts tightening and those pointed nipples ruining the effect of her stiff clothing, revealing her awareness of their mutual attraction.

Doctor Harper Ross was a fascinating woman. She was so soft and beautiful. And yet, she took pains to hide her beauty underneath severe hairstyles and stiff clothing. Every time he saw her, she wore basically the same outfit, only varying the colors slightly. He suspected that she dressed that way in order to be taken seriously. But to his mind, her clothing didn’t disguise the fact that she was sensuously alluring.

So, the lovely Harper was trying to ignore their attraction? Amit considered letting her get away with that. He had so many responsibilities consuming his time. And yet, he couldn’t seem to get her out of his mind. She was even invading his dreams. So, perhaps it was time to explore this attraction.

Amit relished the idea of overcoming every obstacle in order to achieve his ultimate goal. That of having Harper Ross in his bed.

Chapter 5

Feeling energized and happy about getting through to the intimidating sheik and warmed by his story about the girls’ mother, Harper stepped into the nursery, thinking to help the nanny clean up after the day’s lessons, assuming that the girls were eating dinner with their family. So, when she spotted the two girls sitting alone at the table, her temper fired up.

“Seriously?!” she grumbled, catching the eye of the nanny who was sitting in a chair, slightly out of sight. Turning to the nanny, she fisted her hands at her sides. “The girls are eating dinner alone?”

Surprised, the nanny straightened in her chair, glancing at the girls, both of whom looked startled as well…and not particularly interested in their food.

“They always eat here in the nursery,” the nanny explained as if that should be obvious, a touch of admonition in her tone. “His Highness is very busy with important matters.”

Harper opened her mouth to tell the nanny that the two girls were vitally important too! But saying anything to the nanny would be pointless and a waste of her energy.

So instead, Harper walked over to the table and sat in one of the small seats that were perfect for their five-year-old bodies. Not so perfect for her own, but Harper didn’t complain.

“Ladies, I want you to know that both of you are very important! And I’m going to have a little chat with your uncles and aunt about this situation.” She looked down at the meal. “Do you like eating apples?” she asked.

The girls looked down at the slices of apples beautifully spread out on their plates like a blooming…something…and shrugged noncommittally. In the middle of the apple slices were grapes that had been cut in half and a melon slice. Now that she was at their level, Harper saw the fruit formed a smiley face with the apple slices acting as the “hair” and Harper made a mental note to say something to the chef. The smiley face was cute, even if the food was completely inadequate for a growing child. Seriously…just fruit? Five year olds needed calcium and protein and lots of healthy fats for their developing brains. This obsession with slenderness, even at five years old, was insane!

Harper grinned, understanding that they still weren’t ready to speak just yet, but encouraged because they were responding to her questions, which was significantly better than the blank stares she’d received yesterday. “I hear you, ladies.” With a wink, she stood and looked around. “Goodness, this place is bland.”

Ignoring the horror on the nanny’s face, Harper left the nursery. Stopping the first servant she ran into, she asked, “Do you have any idea where His Highness is at this moment?” Copyright 2016 - 2024