Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,13

girls were silent. Amit didn’t admonish them for not offering a story. Instead, he hugged them more tightly. It was exactly what the girls needed.

“That’s okay,” he said, his rough, husky voice full of the approval that they craved. “You probably don’t remember any stories. So, I’ll tell you the stories I remember. Will that be okay?”

Both girls nodded, which was another massive breakthrough!

Harper turned and slipped silently out of the nursery, not wanting to disturb the tender moment. She’d never felt her heart ache like this when any of her other patients had a breakthrough! She angrily swiped the tears from her cheek as she stomped towards his office. She needed to talk with him, but didn’t want to do it just now. She needed a bit more time to recover, to find her equilibrium again. After that sweet, tender moment with his nieces, and the fact that he had clearly listened to her last night, her opinion had softened.

With a smile, she walked towards his office and waited. When he finally came around the corner, Harper stood up and smiled, folding her hands in front of her.

“Doctor Ross,” he grumbled, his eyes moving up and down over her figure. He didn’t pause as he walked into his office, but nor did he close the door. Harper stood there for a moment, wondering if she should go in or just…leave.

She squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, and followed Amit into the office.

“Close the door,” he snapped.

She jerked to a stop and glared for perhaps a full second, hazel eyes clashing with blue. In the end, she lost the battle and turned, softly closing the door.

“I thought you were leaving us,” he growled, leaning back in the huge, leather chair, his fingers laced over his taut, flat stomach as he watched her squirm.

“Yes, well, I will leave. I just…I wanted to thank you, on behalf of your nieces, for stopping by and talking with them this morning. It’s…” she hesitated, unwilling to compliment him, but knowing that it was the right thing to do. “It was very sweet. And I appreciate you taking my advice.”

“Is that all that I need to do? Talk to them? Give them hugs?”

She shifted, feeling like a bug under a magnifying glass as he watched her. How he could accomplish that effect when he was lower than she was an impressive feat.

“No. A few conversations aren’t going to resolve their heartache and confusion. But it’s a good start.”

“So, now that I’ve done one of the things I should be doing with my nieces, you’re still ready to hit the road?”

Harper opened her mouth, not sure what to say. “I’m not really needed here,” she finally said.

“You don’t think so?” he asked. His voice was smooth and sexy. For a moment, she felt a spear of heat hit her and she wasn’t sure how to respond. Were they still talking about his nieces? For some reason, she suspected that the topic had changed. Surely, he didn’t mean that she should stick around for…him?

Impossible. So instead of acknowledging the insanity of that idea, that this dynamic, powerful and intimidating man could be attracted to her, she pushed the possibility away. He was just…well, she didn’t know him well enough to explain away that strange sensation. Instead, she focused on the girls that desperately needed her help.

“If you still think that I can be of assistance with your nieces, I would be happy to stay and assist however I can. And I’m eager to start the research interviews with some of the teachers in your country.”

Harper watched him, noticed the strange light in his eyes and once again felt that strange heat shimmer through her. “Yes, Doctor Ross. I believe that you are very much needed here.”

She stared at him for a long moment, again getting the impression that he was talking about something else, something that had nothing to do with his nieces. But the “something else” that popped into her mind was so preposterous, she quickly pushed the possibility away.

“Okay. Right. Well, then…” she felt that irritating awkwardness again. “I’ll just…get ready for the interviews then. I’ll work with your staff to find a good time to talk with your nieces as well. I’ll submit my schedule to you as soon as I finalize the details.”

He nodded his head slightly, those hazel eyes still watching her with that same intensity. “That sounds like a good plan, Doctor Ross.”

Harper stood there for another long moment, feeling…tingly. Copyright 2016 - 2024