Secrets of a Prince (The Princes of New Sargasso #3) - Carol Moncado Page 0,55

phone to order breakfast.

He’d been honest when he told Minnie the night before when he said he didn’t have any expectations. It surprised him when she’d asked him to help her with the dress.

His phone buzzed, and he groaned when he read the message. Standing, he headed for the bedroom where Minnie still slept.

“Hey,” he said softly as her eyes blinked open. “My father just texted. He’s going to be here in about half an hour. He needs to talk to us about something, but he didn’t say what.”

“Half an hour?” She yawned as she spoke. “Great.”

He laughed and headed for the closet to find something appropriate to wear. It seemed official enough that pajama pants and a t-shirt wouldn’t work. In the other room, he could hear Minnie go into the bathroom to start getting ready.

Breakfast arrived before his father did so they tried to eat quickly, but the knock at the door came before they had finished. He wiped his mouth then let his father in.

“Please, finish your breakfast,” his father said as he walked toward the table. “We can talk while you eat.”

“What’s going on?” Joss asked as he sat back down.

“The earl wants to talk to Minnie. He’s claiming it’s his right as her father and as the accused facing his accuser.”

“I’m not accusing him of anything.” Minnie set her fork down. “How do I qualify as his accuser?”

The king sighed. “Because you’re a familial witness, he can request to meet with you.”

“Request?” Minnie asked. “Or command?”

“Technically, it’s a request, but it generally can’t be turned down.”

“So I have to talk to him.” Minnie sounded defeated. Joss reached over and rested a hand on her back in support.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Can I go with her?” he asked his father.

He shook his head. “Not in the room. The meeting will be observed by security team members in the next room. He’ll be secured so he can’t touch her.”

“Where is the meeting?”

“At the NSBI headquarters. He’s being held at the detention facility next door but will be taken to headquarters for questioning today anyway. The meeting will happen there.”

“Can I go with her and wait somewhere close by?” Joss would find a way.

This time his father nodded. “Yes, but there’s something else you need to know.”

“What?” The fear in Minnie’s voice tugged at every one of Joss’s protective instincts.

“The press has gotten wind of all of this. They’ll be waiting for you to arrive.”

Joss managed to keep his anger under control. “Can’t we sneak her in underground or through the back?”

His father nodded slowly. “We could, but we think it would be better to go in the front door with your head held high and together, showing the support of the family.”

Joss took Minnie’s hand and squeezed lightly. “I’ll be right there with you, whichever way you decide to go.”

Her back straightened. “I’m not going to let him scare me any longer. I’ll go in the front door.”

Joss cleared his throat. “I hadn’t planned to do this quite this way, but...” He slid out of his chair and onto one knee, pulling the ring out of his pocket. “I’d hoped to do this yesterday but things got crazy. Lady Minerva Waterford, would you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me?”

The tears that already filled her eyes spilled over. “Of course.” She held out her hand, and he slid the ring next to the band already there. “I love it.”

The center diamond wasn’t over-the-top or gaudy but surrounded by smaller stones that made it stand out.

She leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you.”

He moved back to his seat and glanced over to see a grin on his father’s face.

“I’m glad you chose a ring your mother has worn, and I know it’s not why, but it will help in the court of public opinion.” Compassion filled his father’s voice. “In fact, the PR people will tell you to go so far as to make certain that when you walk in, if you’re holding hands, you hold her right hand so her left is visible, but make sure to hold the door or something with your left hand so your wedding band is seen as well.”

“They really think about those things?” Minnie asked.

Joss’s father sighed. “Yes, it really is that calculated at times.”

“We’ll do our best,” Joss promised him.

“When do we need to leave?” Minnie sounded determined.

“About an hour.” The king stood. “I’ll leave the two of you to talk about it. If you’d like Copyright 2016 - 2024