Secrets of a Prince (The Princes of New Sargasso #3) - Carol Moncado Page 0,54

it perfectly, so we don’t need to have it altered.”

“Thank you. It’s amazing.”

“We’re glad you’re part of the family.”

The king chose that moment to enter. “I believe it will be my honor to walk the bride down the aisle.”

The three of them, along with Rosie who had agreed to stand up with her, headed for the gardens. The queen was escorted to her seat by Caleb. Rosie went next.

Then the music played by the band comprised of several staff members changed and Minnie started down the aisle on the arm of the king.

When they reached the gazebo, he squeezed her hand then held it out to Joss.

He took his spot to perform the ceremony. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to reconfirm the joining of this man and this woman in holy matrimony.”

This time when Minnie looked up at Joss, the look in his eyes was far different from in the hotel room - and she hoped hers reflected the same differences.

This time she promised for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, and meant it.

She couldn’t honestly say she loved him, but she was well on her way.

Minnie suspected he felt the same way though they hadn’t discussed it in depth.

Maybe once things calmed down, they’d be able to.

“By the power vested in me, I reproclaim you husband and wife. Joshua, you may kiss your bride.” There was a grin in the king’s voice.

Then Joss was kissing her. Nothing like the kiss they’d shared a few feet away a couple of days earlier, but somehow better.

More important.

After the kiss, they didn’t walk back down the aisle. Instead, they hugged everyone, took pictures, and talked before going inside.

The rest of the evening was spent at the reception. They ate and danced and laughed.

And despite the bit of underlying tension still involved, for the first time, Minnie really felt like she was part of a family.

Gideon remained fairly reserved, which seemed unusual. So did Ezekiel, but that was his personality as best she could tell. Caleb had already started to warm up to her, and both Rosie and Kari were well on their way to being her friends.

The king and queen welcomed her with open arms, and Lydia was thrilled to have another sister.

Especially one who loved Trilunium.

As the group started to disperse, Joss took her hand as they said good night then walked up to their apartment.

Nerves built deep inside as they neared the door, though she wasn’t sure why. They hadn’t discussed what tonight might - or might not - hold.

But they’d slept in the same bed for the last two nights, and she’d found her mind wandering certain directions.

Once inside, Joss turned to her and rested his hands on her hips. “I know we didn’t talk about it, but there are no expectations for tonight.”

She slid her hands up his arms until her fingers linked behind his neck. “I appreciate that more than you know.”

“We’ve got the rest of our lives.” He gave her a soft kiss. “I do think I’m going to take a quick shower though. It was hot out there in this Prince Joshua get up.”

After another kiss, he headed for the bathroom.

Minnie found herself wandering through the apartment, thoughts tumbling through her mind.

When Joss returned wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt, toweling his hair dry, she made up her mind.

She headed for the hallway. “Could you help me?”

“Sure.” He followed her.

She stopped near the door to the room where they would spend the first night of the rest of their lives and swept her hair to the side.

“I can’t get the back of this undone by myself.” Really, she wasn’t sure if she could or not. She hadn’t tried with this dress.

She felt him still behind her.

“Are you sure?” he asked, his voice husky.

A sense of peace washed over her as she nodded. “I’m sure.”

How exactly was the best way to propose to your wife? That’s what Joss woke up trying to figure out.

He’d planned to have a romantic picnic lunch by the gazebo again and propose there, before she went to get ready for the wedding, but when they walked in to her ransacked apartment, that changed their plans for the day.

So he hadn’t proposed yet and, even though he’d picked out a ring for her, he’d only slipped a simple band on her finger during the ceremony.

Wearing his favorite Odzooken pajama pants, he sat in one of the chairs in the living area and used his Copyright 2016 - 2024