Secret Santa Surprise: Book 29 in the Kindred Tales Series - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,35

turns licking your soft little pussy,” Clear murmured from her other side, placing one big hand on her thigh. “We wouldn’t mind though,” he added.

“Or one of us could tend to your breasts while the other spread your thighs and lapped your hot little cunt,” Strong growled, his eyes flashing with desire.

Once again, they were getting in too deep and Melanie knew it.

“That’s…very interesting,” she said, looking from one twin to the other. “You two seem to have all the answers when you’re together. But maybe…maybe I should ask you questions individually?”

She thought she might have a better chance of keeping things from going too far if she kept them apart. They were overwhelming enough one-on-one but when the two of them were together, bracketing her with their big, muscular bodies, things felt likely to spin out of control.

“You want to separate us?” Strong growled. “But that’s no fun, little one. We’re a matched pair, after all, like you said.”

“It’s just that I’ve never…never ever been in this situation before,” she admitted, nibbling her bottom lip.

“‘Never have you ever’ been between two Twin Kindred?” Clear asked, smiling a little.

“Hmm?” She turned to look at him.

“That game you were showing us at the party,” he reminded her. “The ‘Never Have I Ever’ game. Maybe we could play it some more. That way you could get to know us better and get the answers for your vid without feeling…threatened.”

“Oh, I don’t feel threatened. Just a little…overwhelmed. Besides, ‘Never Have I Ever’ is a drinking game,” Melanie protested. “And I don’t think that…that I should have any more to drink tonight.”

In fact, the effects of the spiked punch still hadn’t worn off and she was a bit worried about what she might do. The part of her that told her “no” in dangerous or risky situations seemed to be broken—or at least temporarily out of commission.

“What game can we play, then?” Strong rumbled. “Do you know any other human games that could help you get to know us and find the answers you need about Twin Kindred for your vid?”

“Truth or Dare might be good,” Melanie said, before she thought about it. The minute the words were out, she knew she’d probably made a mistake, but it was too late to call them back.

“Truth or Dare, hmm?” Strong raised an eyebrow thoughtfully. “That sounds…intriguing. How is it played?”

“Well…” Melanie cleared her throat. “I’ll ask you ‘Truth or Dare.’ If you say ‘Truth,’ I get to ask you a personal question and you have to answer truthfully. If you say ‘Dare,’ then I’ll dare you to do something silly or embarrassing and you have to do it. Then you get to ask me ‘Truth or Dare’ and then I’ll ask Clear and it keeps going on like that.”

“Until?” Strong asked.

Melanie shrugged.

“I don’t know—until everyone’s had a turn, I suppose. Um…” She cleared her throat. “We don’t have to play if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, but we very much want to play, don’t we, Brother?” Strong growled, looking over her head to meet Clear’s gaze.

Clear nodded firmly.

“Very much,” he echoed.

“All right then, I’ll start. ” Melanie cleared her throat, and turned to the Dark Twin. “Truth or Dare?” she asked him.

“Truth,” he said, looking down at her, the firelight reflecting in his dark blue eyes.

“Afraid to take a dare, Brother?” Clear asked him.

“Of course not. I’m just curious as to what kind of questions our little Elite will ask,” Strong rumbled.

“What kind of women are you and Clear attracted to?” Melanie asked, which of course wasn’t really something she could put in her informational vid, but it slipped out before she could stop it.

“Hmm…” Strong gave her a half-lidded stare. “Elites,” he rumbled.

“Definitely.” Clear nodded. “And if they happen to be mature and experienced, so much the better.”

“Experienced how, exactly?” Melanie inquired. “Are you looking for a woman to show you the ropes sexually?” God, she couldn’t believe she’d asked that!

But Strong was shaking his head.

“Clear and I know what we’re doing when we pleasure a female,” he told her. “But it would be good to be with a female who knows what she wants and doesn’t hold back from taking it.”

“So when you say ‘experienced’ you mean confident,” Melanie murmured.

The Dark Twin nodded.

“Maybe even confident enough to come over to our suite in a naughty little outfit that shows her lovely curves,” he growled softly.

“That kind of confidence is extremely attractive,” Clear agreed, his voice also low and lustful. And again, both sets of Copyright 2016 - 2024