Secret Santa Surprise: Book 29 in the Kindred Tales Series - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,34

her and stroking her hair and shoulders. She felt completely surrounded by the two big, male bodies and it made every inch of her throb.

You’d better stop, whispered a little voice in her head. Stop while you still can, Melanie. Or you’re going to end up doing a lot more than making cookies tonight!

“Wait a minute!” she gasped, when Strong at last broke the kiss.

“Yes, little one?” He gave her a lazy smile. “Are you sorry you offered me a taste?”

“No, but I just…” Melanie straightened up, trying to get her scattered thoughts together. “I…I didn’t only come here to make cookies tonight,” she said at last.

“Oh no?” Clear murmured, raising an eyebrow. “Why else did you come, sweetheart?”

“To…to…” Her eyes fell on the bonding fruit and she had an idea. “I wanted to do some first-hand research—to get more ideas for my Twin Kindred vid,” she said.

“All right.” Strong nodded. “I think we can help you with that. What do you want to know?”

“Why don’t we go into the living area?” Clear suggested. “The cookies are all done now. Shouldn’t we give them time to cool before we frost them?”

“Yes—that’s exactly right.” Melanie nodded.

“All right. Then let’s go.” And Strong ushered her out of the kitchen with Clear following right behind.

As they went, Melanie wondered what in the world she was going to do next. She had no idea…


They settled on the big, overstuffed couch which fit the three of them perfectly with Melanie in the middle. The flickering green and gold and blue flames dancing in the fireplace before them provided the only light in the dim room. It cast the twins’ faces into light and shadows and made their positions seem much more intimate than Melanie had been expecting.

She bit her lip, looking from one to the other. Both sets of eyes—the piercing blue and the smoky green—were trained on her and both were half-lidded with lust. Were things about to go too far? Should she get up and go now?

But I don’t want to go, she thought, feeling a surge of desire. I want to stay and see what happens.

The big, muscular bodies on either side of hers felt so warm and solid and their scents mingled into a single dark, masculine spice that made her want more—although more of what, she wasn’t exactly sure.

“Now…” Strong turned to her, one long, muscular arm along the back of the couch. “What exactly did you want to know, little one? We’ll answer anything you ask us,” he added.

“Well, as I was telling Clear, I’m trying to explain in the vid about the Twin Kindred’s need to…to share a mate,” Melanie said, rather breathlessly. “I already understand that it hurts you physically to touch a female without your brother touching her too—correct?”

“True.” Strong nodded.

“It’s kind of a low-level electrical shock,” Clear explained.

“Is that why you were touching me while…while Strong was kissing me?” Melanie asked him, turning to the Light Twin.

“Yes. But I also just wanted to stroke your soft hair and silky skin,” he answered softly. “Strong and I have never been with an Elite before—I wanted to touch you.”

As he spoke, he reached up and brushed his knuckles gently down her heated cheek.

Melanie leaned into the touch, feeling a shiver of desire run through her. But she knew if she wasn’t careful, they were going to pick up right where they had left off in the kitchen and that wasn’t her intention…was it?

She honestly wasn’t sure anymore. Reluctantly, she pulled away.

“Tell me,” she said, turning to Strong, who had been watching his brother touch her with interest. “Do you…when you make love to a woman—do you, uh, take turns or do you both…you know, pleasure her at the same time?”

“Well, that depends,” the Dark Twin rumbled.

“On what?” Melanie asked, raising an eyebrow.

“On what part of you we’d be pleasuring. For instance, you have two lovely breasts and there are two of us…”

As he spoke, he ran one long finger from the top of her right breast, down over the sloping curve and the tight tip of her nipple. Melanie gasped but didn’t move away from his hand. She felt her peak tingle at his touch, just under the silky white bow which was the only thing keeping the vertical slit in the see-through red fabric closed.

“Oh…” she whispered, not knowing what else to say.

“So my brother and I could suck your nipples at the same time,” Strong finished in a low growl.

“But we would have to take Copyright 2016 - 2024