SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,42

of your friends?” Hailey asked.

“Yeah—that was Raptor. Blake. You met him, briefly. He was the one asking if you needed me to back off in the cafeteria.”

“Right,” she said with a smile. “He was kind of intimidating—actually, all of you were.”

Grayson frowned.

“I didn’t know any of you then. I never would’ve talked to you on the phone every night or come here if I still thought that.”

He nodded, taking a step closer. “You don’t ever need to be frightened of my friends or me, sweetheart. Yeah, we work out a lot and stay in shape, but we’d never hurt you.”

“I know,” she said seriously.

She suddenly looked to the side and sneezed into her arm. “Oops. This is your sweatshirt,” she said sheepishly.

“I’ve got a washing machine, Hailey,” he said with a chuckle. “Sit. Relax. I’ll go grab your suitcase from my truck.”

She nodded, yawning. “Okay. Sitting down is probably a good idea.”

She kicked off her shoes and curled up into the corner of his sofa, looking exhausted. Grayson froze for a moment, shocked at how right it felt having her here in his space. She was feminine and soft compared to his sparsely furnished space and masculine belongings, but God damn. He could picture her here—living with him, cooking dinner together, making love every night.

He’d never thought much about having a woman in his space before, but having Hailey here stirred something deep inside of him. He felt settled in a way he never had before. He wanted to protect and provide for her. Take care of her.

Hailey might be an independent woman, but he felt a deep-seated need to have her here, in his apartment and in his bed.

Trying to clear his head, he went and grabbed a blanket from his closet. He didn’t keep fuzzy blankets and extra pillows lying around like a chick, but at the moment, he wished he had more things to make her comfortable. Grayson tucked the blanket around her, smiling as she yawned again and instantly closed her eyes.

“I’ll be right back—just grabbing your stuff,” he said in a low voice.

She nodded sleepily, and he went down to his truck to get her suitcase. By the time he came upstairs a few minutes later, she was already asleep on his sofa.


Hailey blinked as she woke up a couple of hours later, looking around in confusion. She was lying on a sofa, covered by a warm blanket and still wearing Grayson’s sweatshirt. Raising a hand to her forehead, she realized she was still burning up.

Noticing her stirring, Grayson came over from the kitchen in several long strides. It smelled like he’d been cooking chili or something, and the delicious scent made her stomach rumble. She suddenly realized that she was starving. She had no idea how late it was or how long she’d been napping, but she felt content and safe here in Grayson’s home.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, crouching down beside her as she pushed the blanket away.

“Good. Tired still, but a lot better than earlier.”

He nodded, looking concerned. “I think your fever broke. Your face looks flushed.”

“Yeah, I’m warm from the blanket but not shivering anymore.” She pushed her damp hair back from her forehead, wondering exactly how awful she looked.

“Your mom called,” he said in a low voice. “I didn’t answer your cell the first time, but when she called again a couple of hours later, I figured I better let her know you were okay.”

“No worries,” Hailey said, struggling to sit up.

Grayson reached over to help her, and she tried not to stare at the way his tee shirt stretched across his muscles. She’d been too weak and exhausted to notice much before, but he was even buffer than she thought. She’d seen him in uniform of course, but wearing a tee shirt?


The black cotton stretched over his biceps, and he had a broad chest. His wide shoulders looked like they’d barely fit through a doorway. He was massive compared to her, but strangely enough, she felt nothing but safe with him.

His muscular arm wrapped around her back, but after she was situated, he released her, still hovering close. “Can you pass me the tissues?” she asked.

“Sure thing,” he said, grabbing the box he’d left on the table.

She took a couple to blow her nose and then looked at him again. “I’m sure my mom was thrilled to talk to you,” she joked.

“She was,” Grayson quipped, his eyes twinkling.

“Oh God,” Hailey moaned. “Please tell me she didn’t tell you Copyright 2016 - 2024