SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,41

more about that when I picked my place. I mean, it’s a quick drive to the beach—definitely not like what I’m used to back in Virginia. Ocean City, MD and Virginia Beach are hours away from Arlington.”

“I know some guys down in Virginia Beach,” Grayson commented, turning off his engine.

“Navy guys?”

“Yeah, some SEALs that are stationed down there.”

“Little Creek, right?”

He chuckled. “Yep. I keep forgetting you’re DOD.”

She shrugged. “Lots of people up in DC are government or contractors. People come and go a lot, too, in my office. I meet people from all over.”

“What made you accept a job way out in Afghanistan?”

“The experience,” she admitted. “I could move up faster and get a job at a higher level than by staying where I was.”

“Makes sense,” Grayson said. “It’s dangerous, though, as you found out.” He opened his truck door and then looked back at her. “Wait there. I’ll come around.”

She nodded and stayed where she was. Pleased that she’d actually listened to him, Grayson jogged around the front of his truck. “Hey,” he said softly as he opened the passenger door and looked at her.


She smiled up at him, and Grayson felt his chest clench. Hell, she was beautiful. Even sick and recovering, there was something about the way she looked at him that just did it for him. He knew she was smart and independent—hell, she had to be what with moving halfway around the world and then across the country for her job.

But he also loved that she was letting him take care of her. He definitely had a protective side, especially when it came to those he cared about. Somehow Hailey had rocketed right to the top of that list during all their long talks. Maybe he hadn’t taken her out on an official date yet, but he already knew her better than he knew any other woman he’d been with in the past.

His hands moved to her waist as he helped her down from his truck. She was so small compared to him, he loved being able to easily move her where he wanted. It had been to both of their benefits in Afghanistan of course when he’d shielded her with his body and literally carried her to safety. But now that they were at his home, he imagined other ways he’d enjoy it—eventually. He wasn’t about to lift her into his arms now and make love to her. Far from it, actually.

“Let me get you inside, and I’ll come back and grab your suitcase,” he said, taking the small bag she had with her in the front seat. He took her hand in his after closing the door, leading her to his apartment.

“I’ll let you take my room,” he said as he opened the door. “I’ll crash on the sofa, so don’t worry about that.”

“Grayson, I can’t take your bed,” she said, frowning. “You just got home and are probably tired.”

“Trust me, I’ll sleep fine on the coach. It’s comfortable, and after a week of not much sleep, pretty much damn near anywhere would do. Plus, I feel better having you here so I can take care of you. You’re sick, Hailey. And still recovering.”

She nodded, gingerly moving into his space.

“Are your ribs hurting?” he asked, his gaze going to where her hand rested.

“Yeah. The flight yesterday didn’t do me any favors. Honestly, moving around is probably better for me than just lying in bed all day. They’re just stiff from sitting in one position too long.”

“Well, unfortunately you can’t do a lot with the flu. Sit down on the sofa, sweetheart. I’ll go grab your stuff and then you can tell me what sorts of foods you like. I need to pick up some things anyway. Oh—that’s Raptor. Hang on a sec,” he said, looking at his phone.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“How’s Hailey?” Blake immediately asked.

“I brought her back to my place. She’s got the flu or something and was burning up in her hotel room.”

“Damn. And she’s still recovering from the explosion.”

“Yep. I’m going to let her rest here. She’s got a hotel for the week, but I figured she’d be more comfortable here.”

“All right. Let us know if you need anything. Clarissa and I might head out and camp for a night, but I wanted to see if Hailey was okay.”

“She’ll be okay. I appreciate you checking in though.”

“Sure thing. Clarissa’s already hoping to meet her soon.”

Grayson chuckled, and they said goodbye. He put his phone back in his pocket.

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