SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,28

gave her a few additional instructions and then left the exam room. After slowly getting dressed again, Hailey grabbed her purse and walked to the front desk. Her parents had dropped her off earlier for her appointment, and she was planning to go to the store down the block to finally get a new cell phone before they picked her up later.

They’d been flustered and worried about leaving her, but she was a grown woman for goodness sakes. She’d been working halfway around the world. It’s not like they could escort her everywhere she needed to go.

It was weird being back in Arlington without her car or apartment to head home to, she thought as she walked down the block. Most of her things were in storage, and her clothing in Bagram had all been ruined in the fire. Her mom had picked up some things for her at the store, but after Hailey’s purse had arrived, she’d made sure to order some things online to tide herself over. Everything else, she’d probably just get when she was in San Diego.

After explaining some of her crazy situation to the guy at the cell phone store—namely that her old phone had been destroyed—she was able to get a new phone and keep her old number. She was worried that wouldn’t be possible and she’d lose all her contacts. He was able to migrate some of the data over—how, she didn’t even know. But she was more thrilled than she could say that she had a cell phone again. She needed to get in touch with some friends now that she was temporarily back in Virginia and try to find out about Kim.

Briefly, she wondered if Grayson had texted or called her. She hadn’t let herself think of him too much over the past few days. He’d flown home to San Diego, no doubt, and her own return home to Arlington had been a whirlwind of activity. She’d cried when she’d gotten to her parents’ house, and she’d been too tired to do much more than eat or sleep the first few days.

She was still sore, but fortunately she’d only needed Tylenol today. And she was hoping later in the week to go meet with someone at the Pentagon to discuss what had happened. They wanted her to recover from her injuries, of course, but they also needed her account of what had happened.

Walking outside of the cell phone store, she sank down onto a bench and looked down at her phone. Her ribs ached, and she wondered if she hadn’t overdone things today. Her parents would be coming in another half an hour, but now that she had a phone, she could text and let them know she was done.

The guy who worked at the store had suggested rebooting the phone again, so she patiently waited to see what would happen. It felt like forever, but she finally was able to access her email and text messages. Technology was amazing, and she’d felt lost not having her connection to the world.

An unknown number had texted her twice, and her heart fluttered as she clicked on the message.

Hi sweetheart. We made it back to San Diego. Let me know when you’re home. -Grayson

The message had been sent a few days ago—he’d texted her as soon as he got back, she realized. Heat bloomed across her skin. She’d sort of assumed he’d go home and go about with his life. Sure, he’d said he’d text her, but it was a long flight back. He could’ve changed his mind, gotten busy with work, or any number of things.

Clearly, he’d been thinking of her for him to text almost immediately. And he’d texted her again this morning.

I hope you’re okay, sweetheart. I’m guessing you’re back but just don’t have a phone yet. Text me when you do. -Grayson

She smiled despite herself. Hearing from him twice was a pleasant surprise. Sure, he’d been sweet and attentive back in Germany, but she knew when he was home he could easily fall back into his old life and routine.

She quickly thumbed a response:

I just got my new phone! You’re the first person I texted. :) -Hailey

She was surprised when Grayson texted her back almost immediately, assuming he’d be busy with work.

I’m honored. Just grabbing a quick lunch with my team and then I’ll be busy in training all afternoon. Can I call you tonight?

She replied right away:

Yes. Of course you can call.

Her phone buzzed with his reply:

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