SEAL's Embrace - Makenna Jameison Page 0,27

“I’m worried about her.”

“Pining, worrying, same damn thing.”

Grayson grunted, not bothering to respond.

“Hell, I understand. It killed me to leave Clarissa. Usually I’m gung-ho when we leave for a mission, but this time? It was brutal. She was worried, and I couldn’t tell her where we were going. Of course she understands better than most considering we rescued her.”

“She’s a tough woman,” Jackson commented.

“Yep. Didn’t make it any easier to leave her though. We’re meeting with the commander later this afternoon,” Blake commented, changing the subject.

“I heard,” Grayson said. “I was hoping they found Sayed, not to mention the asshole responsible for bombing their fellow Americans, but it sure doesn’t sound like it.”

“They haven’t found him yet,” Blake said in a low voice.

“How do you know it was another American? There are Afghanis working on base, too,” Jackson said with a frown. “It could’ve been a number of different people.”

“Just a hunch,” Grayson said. “Sayed seemed to anticipate our every move. No Afghani would have that sort of intel,” he added in a low voice. “Most people on base didn’t even know we were there.”

“How are things progressing back in Bagram anyway? Anyone know?” Ethan asked as the men all stopped at their cars.

“I think they’ve finished searching the building for victims,” Troy said, crossing his arms as the men stood there. “There were two casualties that I know of, multiple injuries of course.”

Ethan took a long pull of his water, and the other men frowned, their minds on the damage and destruction that had been caused.

“Hell, I need to look into that friend of Hailey’s,” Grayson muttered.

“What friend?” Blake asked, glancing over at him.

“I didn’t get a chance to tell you guys in the confusion, but a friend of hers is missing. We assumed she was injured and taken to a hospital, but she never turned up. Hailey asked about her in Bagram and when she was flown to the hospital in Germany. Her friend was listed among the missing, but there was no sign of her. It doesn’t make much sense. That part of the building was damaged, yes, but the fire was actually under control rather quickly. It’s not like the whole damn thing burned down.”

“You think she was involved in this somehow?” Logan asked, raising his eyebrows.

“No. I don’t think so, but it’s not normal for someone to just vanish. Hailey was sure the hell worried.”

“You like her,” Blake said, biting back a smile.

“Of course I like her,” Grayson said. “Is that supposed to be some kind of secret? I was asking her out in the cafeteria, remember?”

“I wonder how she and Clarissa will get along,” Blake mused.

“Hell. I’m taking her out, not marrying the woman.”

“You guys are getting married?” Troy asked, his gaze whipping over to Blake.

Blake chuckled, holding up his hands. “Hold up. She just moved in with me for the summer. I’m trying to convince her to stay this fall—teach classes online or something. Work remotely. We’re taking things one step at a time.”

“Well, send us a wedding invitation,” Ethan quipped.

Grayson shook his head, smirking. “I’ll catch you guys on base. I need to go home, shower, and change. Maybe I’ll try calling Hailey, too.”

“See you in an hour,” Blake said, and the other men said their goodbyes and climbed into their cars. Grayson glanced at the cell phone he’d left there, frowning when there weren’t any new messages. He’d assumed by now Hailey was back in the States, and he hoped like hell that he’d hear from her soon.


“You were very lucky,” the doctor said that afternoon, examining Hailey’s injured ribs. Her gloved fingers moved lightly over Hailey’s skin, and she tried not to wince. “I know you’re still in some pain, but these are healing up nicely.”

“God, I never thought broken ribs could hurt so much,” Hailey mumbled.

The doctor nodded sympathetically. “You can’t immobilize them like with other broken bones. It’s makes recovery slower and more painful.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s a problem with moving and breathing and all,” Hailey said dryly.

The doctor smiled. “Your head wound has healed nicely, though,” she commented, examining her forehead. “The stiches will dissolve completely on their own.”

“Well, thank God for small miracles.”

“I’d tell you to schedule another follow-up, but it sounds like you’re moving soon?”

“That’s right. I’ve accepted a position in California. I had planned on it before all this, actually. I just got sent home sooner than expected.”

“Well, good luck to you. Make sure you see someone out there.”

“I will,” Hailey assured her.

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