Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,85

business. It seems some of the men knew about you and Carson before you were shot but the rest of us didn’t. So, tell me,” she keeps swaying but picks up her water to take a big drink, “everything.”

Again, this is the female talk I’m not at all familiar with. I pick up my glass of wine that’s smooth and going down much too easily after the last few days. “Are you sure I can’t fold a load of laundry? Sort your socks?”

She smiles. “Nice try, my new English friend. Look, I’ve done my best to get what I could out of Red and Abbott in the last two days. Red grunts and heads back outside to help Morris with whatever Morris will allow him to do. All Abbott has told me is that you talk funny and pulled up a map on her iPad to show me where you’re from. But, yesterday, she was teaching Vivi how to count to ten in French—which Crew is thrilled about.”

Crew ended our briefing with the big bang of we’ll end this the way we always end this and that was that, but not before informing everyone dinner was to be at Whitetail and everyone in his fucked-up family was expected to attend.

I take a big gulp of my wine because I feel like I’m going to need it since everyone will arrive shortly. “Red doesn’t much care for me.”

“Really?” Addy stops swaying and her brows pinch. “I didn’t sense that. Why?”

I pull in a big breath and look out her window where Cole, Crew, and Jarvis are watching Abbott and Vivi play. “He doesn’t like me for his son. I’ve known this for some time. Cole doesn’t keep much from me and has always been honest about how his father feels. I didn’t even know Red and Abbott were living with him full time until he brought me home from the hospital. Abbott was cold as ice in the beginning, but she’s slowly thawing. I believe the French lessons are helping. Or maybe she’s giving up on hating me since Cole hasn’t made it a secret he wants me to stay.”

She starts swaying again when a squeak comes from the bundle tied to her middle. “Wait. You don’t want to stay? I thought once this was all over—and for the record, Crew has no doubt they’re going to fix your problem—you’d be around for good.”

I give her a small smile. “I’m not sure what I want anymore. I always assumed if I were lucky enough to clear my name, I’d stuff it in the faces of those who wronged me and return to Vauxhall.” I shake my head and pick up my glass. It seems a little vino helps when one is learning how to girl-talk. “But honestly, if I go back to work, my cover will be blown. My mug is already plastered internationally for being most wanted. I couldn’t work anyhow. But am I ready for this?” I motion around her kitchen and through the back window. “To settle down in one place for the rest of time? Even if it is with Cole.”

Addy glances at the clock before moving a chair next to mine, scooting close. I try not to frown when she reaches out to take my hand in hers. We literally just met, but I’m oddly okay with it.

Addy lowers her voice. “You don’t know my story but if Crew gives you his trust, that means everything to me. I spent my life running and pretending to be someone I’m not. There was no end in sight. Looking over my shoulder became a way of life. No one should live that way.” She squeezes my hand. “Crew made it all go away. And the rest of these men helped. Trust me when I say, nothing is sweeter than living free—and doing it right here in the middle of nowhere is even better. It’s a dream. One I didn’t even know to hope for.”

I’m about to open my mouth—to say what, I have no clue—but we’re interrupted by voices from the front hall of Crew and Addy’s enormous home.

She gives me another squeeze before letting go. “Things continue to be exciting around here, Bella. Take it from me, don’t discount this life too quickly. You’ll be the only loser in the situation.”

“Yoo-hoo! I have cookies and cheesy potato casserole and paper plates. And not those thin, flimsy ones you can’t pile food on. I sprang for the thick Copyright 2016 - 2024