Say You'll Stay - Sarah J. Brooks Page 0,73


“You’re a standup guy, Kyle,” I told him.

Kyle tossed the empty bottle into the trash can with a clang. “It’s not being a standup guy … it’s being a father.”

“What are you two old ladies gossiping about over here?” Jeremy and Robert came into the kitchen. Kyle and Jeremy greeted each other with some convoluted dude handshake. Robert inclined his head.

“Nothing much. How’s it going, fellas?” Kyle said, making it obvious to me he wasn’t planning to announce his impending fatherhood anytime soon.

“Oh, you know. New day, new pussy,” Jeremy guffawed, and Robert and I both groaned.

“Let’s keep the frat boy persona in check tonight, Jer,” Rob remarked blandly.

“Whatever. The two of you need to learn to have more fun. I know Kyle here agrees with me.” Jeremy lifted a bottle of vodka. “Come on, Webber, do shots with me.”

Kyle shrugged. “Why not.” He lined up two shot glasses for Jeremy to fill.

“I wanna play,” Meg exclaimed. She and Skylar returned carrying margaritas.

Jeremy gave Meg a slow once over, his smile slightly predatory. I gritted my teeth. I really didn’t want to have to punch my partner in Kyle’s kitchen.

I slid smoothly between them, restricting Jeremy’s view of my—what was she? My fuck buddy?

I tapped my finger against her drink. “I think you’re already covered, Galloway.”

“I can take a shot if I want, Dad,” Meg teased with a slight edge to her voice.

Jeremy pushed me aside and handed her a full shot glass that sloshed over the side. “I like this girl.” He licked vodka from the back of his hand in exaggerated slowness before holding his palm out for her to shake. “You’re the artist painting the side of our building. Meg, right?”

Meg shook his hand, looking amused when he didn’t release it right away. “That’s me. And you are—?”

“A complete and total dickhead,” I cut in with only a hint of venom. I covered it with a hearty laugh that Rob and Kyle joined in on.

Jeremy lifted Meg’s hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it like they were in a goddamn Victorian novel. “I’m Jeremy Wyatt. Best attorney in Southport.”

At that, Robert and I laughed harder. Meg raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? And Adam lets you get away with that title?”

Jeremy wrapped his hand around hers, pulling her close. He leaned in toward her, whispering loudly in her ear. “He can’t say anything when it’s the truth. I’m better than him in all areas. Trust me.”

Meg chuckled but deftly maneuvered herself away from my lascivious partner, moving to stand closer to my side.“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that arrogance isn’t very attractive?” She batted her eyelashes.

Jeremy grinned at her put down.“It’s not arrogance, sweetheart. It’s confidence. There’s a difference.”

“Or it’s a delusion,” Robert piped up. He held his hand out to Meg, which she shook. “I’m Robert Jenkins. Jeremy, Adam, and I are in practice together. But I’m guessing you know that considering our names are on the side of the building you’re painting. I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself sooner, but it’s hard to find time in the day to take a piss, let alone have a conversation with someone.”

Jeremy, realizing Meg wasn’t interested, had resumed taking shots with Kyle. I knew he wouldn’t be butthurt by her rejection. There were plenty of women happy for his attention.

Inside I was buzzing. Meg wasn’t interested in Jeremy. She had barely spared him a glance. Even though he laid it on a little thick, his charm made him irresistible to females.

Not Meg.

I noticed that she was now standing so close to me that I could touch her. She was talking with Robert about the mural, her attention on him. I stood right behind her. Then her hand reached behind her, finding mine. It was quick. Subtle. A brief touch of her fingers against mine. No one saw a thing.

It was a small gesture, but it said more than words ever could.

Chapter 15


I stood in the shower, the water sliding down my body. Adam had just left. The crazy man had actually climbed up a damn tree to get to my window. I was simultaneously freaked out and annoyingly flattered. I felt like a stupid teenager all over again. He climbed a tree because he had to see me. And then we had screwed like rabbits in my tiny twin bed.

I couldn’t stop smiling. My cheeks hurt from grinning so much.

And that, right there, was why I had to be careful. Adam made it too easy to fall Copyright 2016 - 2024