Say You'll Stay - Sarah J. Brooks Page 0,72

Kyle never had any feelings for Meg; she was like his sister. His affections had always been firmly planted on the older Galloway girl, yet seeing the two of them standing there together, arms casually wrapped around one another, I felt a strange stirring of anger. Was I seriously getting pissed at my best friend for hugging on Meg? What sort of lunacy was that? They were friends. Had been for years.

But I didn’t want him to touch her. I didn’t want anyone to touch her.

She was mine.

Fuck.Where had that come from?

“Actually, I’ve been talking to my parents, and I think I’m going to move back here for a while.” Skylar made the announcement as if it were no big deal. But for Skylar, moving back to Southport was a very big deal. She had a messy relationship with her parents. I couldn’t imagine why she’d want to put herself back in their vicinity.

Kyle let out a whoop. “Yes! The gang’s back together!”

Skylar rolled her eyes, but she seemed pleased by his reaction.

Meg, on the other hand, seemed concerned. “Why would you do that? Do you have a great job in the city? That doesn’t seem feasible.”

Skylar scratched the side of her neck, and I recognized her nervous tell. “Yeah, well I was let go last week, so I won’t need to worry about that.”

Meg instantly pulled the other woman into a hug. Skylar resisted, as she always did when you tried to foist physical affection on her, but she ultimately caved and hugged her tightly.

“I’m sorry, Sky,” I heard her murmur in Skylar’s ear.

Kyle fidgeted uncomfortably. He had never been good with “girly stuff.”

Skylar pulled back, her eyes glistening, but I knew that she would never let tears fall. “It’s all good. I consider it a sign from the universe to shake things up a bit. My parents said I can rent out the apartment above the garage until I sort everything out. I’ve decided to go into freelancing. I’ve been working too hard to make other people money. It’s time I take more of that scratch for myself.”

I patted her back. “You’ll make the world your bitch, Sky. I’m proud of you.”

“Okay, enough of this touchy-feely shit, I need some liquor. Kyle, please tell me you have the fixings to make margaritas.” Skylar pulled away and ran a hand through her dark hair.

Kyle snorted. “Does a one-legged duck swim in a circle?”

Skylar frowned. “Um, I guess?”

Kyle pointed to the far cabinet. “Tequila and Triple Sec are in there. Lime juice is in the fridge.”

“Good. Because I think I want to get drunk. Come on, Galloway. Let's make some bad decisions.” Skylar hooked her arm with Meg’s and pulled her across the room.

“I think I like the sound of that,” I called after them. Meg looked back at me and winked. And just like that, I got a semi.

Once Kyle and I were alone, he sagged against the counter, running his hands across his face. “So what did Josie want?” I asked him.

“She says she pregnant,” he said quietly, his face stricken.

“Shit,” I breathed, understanding why he looked ready to puke.

Kyle twisted the top off a fresh beer and took a swig. “She says she’s almost two months along.”

“And it’s yours?” I had to ask.

Kyle glared at me. “Josie isn’t Chelsea, man. She wasn’t spreading her legs for half of Southport.”

I winced. “I was only asking. No need to be a dick about it.”

Kyle sighed. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say that shit. I’m a little shell shocked here.”

I clasped a hand on his shoulder. “What’s she want to do about it?”

Kyle took another long drink and then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “She says she wants to keep it.”

“And what do you want her to do about it?”

Kyle stood up a little straighter. “It’s her decision, Adam. If she wants to keep it, I’ll support her. I’m not my dad. I’ll be there for my kid. And for Josie.”

Kyle’s dad had left when he was ten, and he had barely seen him since. I knew Kyle would make it his mission in life to be the best dad he could be.

“Are you two getting back together?” I knew by Kyle’s resolute expression that wasn’t an option.

“I can support Josie without being romantically involved with her. I know she wants us to get back together, but I won’t do that simply because she’s pregnant. That’s not fair to her or our baby.” Kyle nodded to Copyright 2016 - 2024