The Saddest Song - By Susie Kaye Lopez Page 0,31

meaning to be, then she would turn completely serious as she pointed out things she thought Sophie or I would look good in. She was right every time. My parents had been so excited to hear I was going shopping that they had told me to use my credit card and buy whatever I liked. I hoped they had meant it, as I soon found myself carrying three shopping bags.

We were in Nordstrom trying on shoes when a tall, very pretty blonde woman came up to us and said, “I knew you were here! I was upstairs trying on jackets and suddenly felt you in the shoe department!”

Sophie and Rylee both jumped up and hugged her, obviously happy to see her. “Kara, this is our friend Rainey. Rainey, this is Kara.”

The woman took my hand and held it tightly as she looked into my eyes and smiled warmly. “Hello Rainey, it’s so nice to meet you.”

I smiled and said, “you too.” Her gaze was so intense I almost began to feel self-conscious but her smile was so genuine it made me like her instantly.

“You ladies want to go to lunch? My treat.”

All three of them looked at me. “Sure!” I agreed and we walked over to The Cheesecake Factory.

No sooner had the waitress taken our orders Rylee said, “Rainey, Kara has the coolest job ever. She told me about Colin before we ever met.”

I looked into Rylee’s blue eyes, confused.

“Ry!” Sophie exclaimed.

Kara simply laughed. “It’s okay. I’m a psychic Rainey. The profession chose me. I really had no say in the matter.”

“Oh,” I said surprised. “I went to a psychic not too long ago. She helped me a lot. She was able to talk to someone I lost.”

“Okay. You saw a Medium. I’m not usually able to do that kind of work. Now and then some soul will surprise me though. Did you like Melissa? She’s a really good friend of ours,” she said, gesturing to the girls. They both chimed in with how great they thought Melissa was. I nodded and looked at them, feeling shocked. I hadn’t mentioned Melissa’s name. How did she know?

Sensing my confusion Kara said, “You are going to be completely happy again Rainey.” How did she know that? How did she even know I wasn’t happy now? Goosebumps rose all over my body as she looked at me intently. Her eyes were kind and seemed to look right into my thoughts.

“But Kara, Rainey lost her soul mate,” Sophie said.

“Well, he was her first love and that is very special, but not every love is our soul mate.”

“What?” I asked.

“The term Soul mate is thrown around a lot, but in a nutshell it is the person we are meant to spend our lives with. Some people have many loves before they meet theirs. Her eyes flashed to Rylee and back.

‘Some, through a twist of fate are unable to spend their lives together. They may meet at the wrong time or choose the wrong person. It’s not a sure thing for all of us. Sometimes Soul mates travel life times to be together.” She paused, looking at Sophie.

“What about mine?” I said, picturing Garrett.

“I can tell you what I see if you would like.”

I nodded, “please.”

“Well, you shared a special bond with your boyfriend, but you were complete opposites, am I right?” Again, I nodded.

“He wasn’t ever meant to be your soul mate. Your soul mate is out there but you’re not quite ready for me to tell you too much. You need the experience along the way. Let me just tell you one thing. When you run across a black cat, pay attention to the emotion you feel. The truth is there.”

“A black cat?”

Kara smiled and nodded.

Rylee laughed and said, “Kara, now you sound more like a witch than a psychic.” They all laughed but I knew I wouldn’t forget. I also knew I didn’t agree.

Of course Garrett was my soul mate.

When we returned to Colin’s house that afternoon the guys played us parts of two songs they had been working on and I was so impressed. We all took our own cars when we went out for Sushi so we could head home after dinner. Max warned me on the way that they would be inviting us to Colin’s Halloween party the following week. I told him I already knew about it and would like to go if he would. Sophie and Rylee had made it sound like fun, and fun was what we Copyright 2016 - 2024