The Saddest Song - By Susie Kaye Lopez Page 0,30

me up just as the bell rang.


Rainey laughed four times on Friday. Not that she hadn’t laughed in the past few weeks, she definitely had. But this new laughter was different. She giggled and her eyes danced with light, reminding me of who she had been before. I didn’t know what caused the new mood but I found myself responding to it. I basked in it. It felt good. I felt good.

It was hot outside and we were sitting in our usual shady spot eating lunch when Caitlynn and our friend Hudson joined us. The four of us chatted awhile and then Cait asked, “Rainey, what are you doing this weekend?”

She probably expected her to reply with an unenthusiastic, “Nothing.” Or maybe, “Hanging out with Max,” but instead Rainey looked at her and smiled before she replied.

“Oh well, Max and I are hanging out with some of his music friends tomorrow, but we should all do something fun tonight.” Caitlynn’s astonished expression was priceless and I choked on my sandwich when I began to laugh.

“Max! Are you okay?” Rainey pounded me on the back and I continued to choke and laugh simultaneously.

“He’s fine,” Caitlynn gave me an annoyed look for interrupting such a huge development. “Take a drink of your water Max,” she grumbled. “Now Rainey, what do you mean? You want to do something? Tonight? With us?”

“Yeah, sure. I mean, if you want to. The football game is away so I thought you might be free. What about a movie or bowling or I don’t know, what do you think?”

I have to admit I was pretty taken aback by this momentous act myself but I just decided to go with it. A laughing, socially active Rainey sounded great to me.

“I’m up for bowling,” Hudson said, and Rainey looked at me and Cait, waiting for our response.

We both agreed and made plans to grab pizza and then go to the bowling alley. We parted when the bell rang and Caitlynn walked with me towards our English class.

“Wow Max, she’s doing so much better, it’s like she’s her old self again.”

‘Yeah, it’s a good day today, that’s for sure. Just be patient with her Cait, don’t let her see your disappointment if she has more bad ones.”

Chapter 12


On Saturday we pulled up in front of Colin’s house in the morning. Rylee had texted me the night before and suggested the girls go out to lunch and shop while the boys worked. Colin would order in pizza for their lunch and then that evening we’d all go out for Sushi. Rylee seemed to have it all worked out and I envied her bubbly take- charge personality. She made my half hearted attempt to keep going and be normal a lot easier. I just hoped her enthusiasm would propel me through the day. As Max was getting his guitar and backpack out of the truck another truck, this one white, pulled up behind us and we waved at Sophie and Ethan.

“Hi guys!” Sophie greeted us as Ethan came around and stood beside her. I watched the way his hand reached for hers, and admired the sparkle of her engagement ring.

“You ready to write Max?” Ethan smiled and I marveled at his dimples. He was one of the rare guys who could be called beautiful. He rivaled any celebrity I could think of, and the way he looked at Sophie made my stomach ache. He was so in love. Lucky girl.

“I’m a little rusty, but yeah, I’m definitely ready.”

“You ready to shop Rainey?” Sophie grinned.

“I’m always ready to shop!” I said, playing along.

Colin opened the front door and Rylee pushed past him to hug each of us and before I took a breath we were leaving the boys to their guitars and on our way to the mall.

Fashion Valley was an outdoor mall that I had frequented all my life. When we parked and walked towards the doors to Bloomingdales I realized that the last time I had been here was July. July, that magical place where Garrett had existed. It was October now. A lifetime had passed since then. Or should I say a lifetime had ended since then.

I didn’t have time to dwell on the thought as Rylee immediately started pointing out things she wanted me to see. As we shopped our way down the mall, entering every store, she had Sophie and I laughing and giving our opinion over outfit after outfit that she tried on. She was naturally funny without Copyright 2016 - 2024