The Saddest Song - By Susie Kaye Lopez Page 0,17

gotten along and I was sure it was mainly due to her feelings for Garrett. She had tried her hardest over the years to steal him from me and failed miserably.

“What are you talking about Kelsey? Nobody is replacing anyone,” Max snapped back at her, angry.

“Sure doesn’t look that way to us,” she said, referring to the four members of the cheer squad staring open mouthed at Max and my joined hands. My instinct was to pull my hand away but Max held it securely. I knew he was thinking we were doing nothing wrong, and didn’t want me to give into her accusations.

“Poor Garrett,” she whined. “Come on ladies.” She stomped off as if she had been personally offended, her fellow cheer buddies following close behind.

“That’s just great,” Max said in frustration, finally releasing my hand to run his through his hair.

“Do you really think anybody will listen to what Kelsey says?”

“Rainey, I know nobody really likes her, but yeah, they’ll listen. This just adds fuel to the gossip about us.”

“Well, as long as we know the truth that is all that matters,” I said, steeling myself for the gossip ahead. And it didn’t take long. By the time Max and I met at his truck after school we had experienced just how much damage Kelsey was capable of. Where I had received sympathy stares in the morning, by the afternoon I was met with disgusted sneers. Four people had come right out and asked me if I was involved with Max before Garrett had even died. One girl passed by me and whispered how convenient it was that Garrett was killed. I didn’t reply or defend myself. What they wanted to believe they could go ahead and believe. Besides, I could see by their actions I had already been tried and convicted.

“Well, I think senior year is off to a great start. I hope you won’t be afraid to be seen with me at school now that we are a couple of cheaters.” I looked at him and tried for a grin but my attempt failed and I felt tears well up. I turned away, blinking rapidly to stop them from falling but one rogue tear escaped down my cheek. Max turned my face towards him and matter of factly wiped the offending tear away with his finger, and putting the truck in reverse, changed the subject.

“Want to do homework at my house or yours?”

“Yours. You know your mom probably made her brownies.” Today would be tough on her too, she would need us.

“That’s a pretty safe bet. Don’t worry about all that crap. You know Kelsey will find a new victim by next week.”

The house smelled of fudge brownies as we entered through the kitchen door. A note on the counter informed us that Mrs. McKinley was visiting at the neighbors and would return soon. I was surprised to feel actual hunger as I cut the still warm brownies. I had grown used to avoiding food and to accept the accompanying stomach pains when I did make myself eat. When Max handed me one of the two large glasses of milk I sat at the table and prepared to force myself to take a small bite. But this time after the first taste I quickly and willingly ate two, draining the milk along with them. Max watched me, eyes widening, but said nothing. He ate his also and then we went straight to homework.

There wasn’t a lot of homework on the first day of school, but there were a few review sheets that we needed to complete. Max finished before me thanks to the thirty math problems I had to struggle through.

“Want some help with that?” Max moved his chair closer to mine and began to figure a problem before I even had time to reply. He quickly made his way through the problems, explaining them as he went.

“Thanks Max, I forgot how good you are at Math. I suck.”

“Yeah, well you can help me with history, how’s that?”

“You got it, “I said, packing my books into my new backpack.

“I’m working on a new song. Do you want to hear it?” Max asked, casually. I nodded enthusiastically and followed him up the stairs. Pausing at Garrett’s doorway I peeked in, knowing with certainty he would not appear. I had finally gotten past the “what if it was all a dream” stage. I just looked in because it made me remember him and it was still my favorite Copyright 2016 - 2024