Ruthless Kings - Laura Lee Page 0,76

quite familiar with my demons over the last couple of years. I’ve learned when to chain them and when to set them free, and I can share that knowledge with her when she’s ready.

I tilt Jazz’s chin up so she can look me in the eye. “You okay?”

She sucks her lower lip into her mouth. “Yeah. I mean, I’ll probably be walking funny for a week, but I feel pretty damn great.”

“Well, then my job here is done.” We both laugh. “I was talking about up here, though.” I tap her temple.

Jazz's full lips turn down. "Um...yeah, I guess. I don't feel like I'm losing my mind, so that's a plus. I'm sorry you had to witness that."

“Nuh-uh.” I shake my head. “Don’t do that. Everyone’s allowed to lose it every now and again. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. Considering what a rock you’ve been, after everything you’ve gone through lately, I’d say it was long overdue.”

“Maybe.” Jazz climbs on top of me and straddles my hips.

Her tits are bare, so I can’t help myself. I yank her into me and suck her peaked nipple into my mouth.

“God, I fucking love your tits,” I mumble against her skin.

Her body immediately tenses, and I internally curse myself for using those words. I know she’s thinking about what Peyton said at her goddamn birthday party.

Jazz tries scooting off of me, but I grab her hips to stop the movement. “Hey, look at me.”

Jazz normally exudes confidence, but I see the insecurity trying to force its way in as she pulls the sheet around her to cover her chest.

Fucking Peyton.

My grip on her tightens. “Don’t let Peyton get inside your head. She’s a bitter, jealous bitch. Being with you is a world away from any other chick I’ve slept with. There’s no comparison, Jazz. Nobody else matters. And I love every goddamn inch of your body.”

“But you did say those words to her. Many, many times, as you were fucking her tits. And I'm guessing Peyton's not the only one who's heard those exact same words while you were doing that exact same thing."

I take a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t know what the right thing to say here is, Jazz. I don’t want to lie to you.”

She sighs. “If that’s what you’re really into...if that’s something you need, I can’t give that to you, Kingston. A boob job will never be in my future. I don’t want giant tits.”

I maneuver our bodies, so Jazz is beneath me. "That's not something I will ever need. If you really want to know, anything I’ve done in my past was likely because it was offered. Plain and simple. There was never a request on my end or something I felt was missing.

“Yeah, sometimes, nothing was off-limits because those chicks thought sex was their golden ticket to my wallet, but here’s the thing: I never cared if they got off. Not once. I've never had a sleepover before you or cuddled with someone afterward. Because I never wanted to. I’ll be the first to admit I was a selfish prick. All I cared about with any of them—including Peyton—was getting off and getting out as fast as possible.”

Jazz takes a moment to digest everything. “And how many of ‘those chicks’ are we talking about here?”

I look her straight in the eye, so she sees the truth in my words. "Eight."

“Eight.” Her brows rise. “How is that possible? Are you not counting all the random blowies in the janitor’s closet?”

I flop to the side. "First of all, I've never had a random blow job in the janitor's closet—that's Bentley's thing. But if that's a dirty fantasy of yours, just tell me when and where, and I'd be happy to make it my thing.” I smile when Jazz smacks me playfully on the chest. “Contrary to popular belief, I’ve been very selective with my dick, and I wasn’t opposed to repeats with the same girl. Plus, I was with Peyton for almost two years, and I didn’t assume we had an open relationship like she did.”

“God, I still can’t believe she did that to you.” She tilts her head to the side. “On second thought, yeah, I can. I don’t know if Peyton’s capable of loyalty in any respect.”

“I’d agree with you on that.” I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “Since we’re apparently doing the number thing, I think it’s only fair you tell me yours.”

“Besides you, one.”

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