Ruthless Empire - Rina Kent Page 0,50

grateful he couldn’t see the chaotic emotions swirling in my eyes.

Now, he does — in full HD. I’ve always thought I showed emotions in a way no one understands, but Cole might be able to.

I don’t want him to understand.

This position, face-to-face, heart to heart, is too intimate. It’s like he’s peeling me piece by each bloody piece.

I hate that a part of me wants him to reach the core.

I hate that a part of me is grateful he’s doing this, that he’s freeing me in ways I would’ve never used to free myself.

And because I hate him, I hurt him.

I glide my hands around his back and drag my long nails down the wet skin with the intention to cause him pain.

He hisses, but instead of stopping, he picks up his pace and pounds into me with renewed ferocity as he pins me to the wall by my throat.

Then he leans down to the sensitive flesh of my breast and sucks on it before biting — hard.

My back arches off the wall and a terrifying wave spreads over me like wildfire.

“I’ll leave my mark as you leave yours, Butterfly,” he speaks through loud, erotic sucks that echo in the bathroom. “No one will see you like I do, touch you like I do, fuck you like I do.”

I come then.

The force of his pounding and the meaning behind his words bring me over the edge.

Because I know, I just know they’re real.

I can deny it all I want, but that doesn’t mean they disappear. The same as the monster under my bed.

I shouldn’t have looked. Now, I can’t unsee him or pretend he’s not there.

“Scream,” he rasps against my mouth as he slaps my arse.

I do scream. The lust-filled sound reverberates around us like a rondo in the final round of a piano concerto.

That’s when Cole empties his load inside me with a deep-throated groan.

My head drops against his chest, my fingers clinging limply to his sides and tiny tremors pulse through my legs.

For what seems like a full minute, we stand there, the water beating down on us as we’re tangled around each other.

Who knew showers could get this intense?

“See? It’s not hard to listen to orders,” he speaks against my ear, licking and nibbling on the shell.

Reality kicks back in.

Damn me and damn him. I shove him away, causing him to chuckle as he pulls out of me and releases my throat.

Unlike yesterday, the feel of his cum only lingers a little before it’s washed away by the water.

“I hate you,” I murmur.

He pulls on my hair and kisses my nose. “Sure thing, Butterfly. As long as it lets you sleep at night.”

Then he leaves. Water drips over his hair and hard body as his feet pad on the floor.

The moment the door clicks behind him, I release a muffled, frustrated scream in the silence of the bathroom.



We spend the entire early evening with Sebastian and his campaign members.

We eat a meal fit for an army that Mum prepared. Sebastian considers his team a family, too. Since they’re working hard for his campaign, they get to eat as family members.

A part of Sebastian’s campaign focuses on bringing the classes together, even if there’s a clear separation. It’s a smart way to look at it. He recognises that there’s no way to eradicate classes — at least, not right away — so he thinks the first step should be bringing them together.

Once they think they have enough in common, maybe then, the classes can be abolished. Not that his party will ever agree on that front, but he’s only planting the seed for now.

He’s a smart politician, and I do believe he’ll go far. I have no doubt in my mind he’ll become the next prime minister.

That means I’ll be the prime minister’s son while Silver is the daughter. There’s no way in fuck we’ll ever be able to have a public relationship.

It’s part of the reason why I lost it and took her at the wedding. There was so much angry energy boiling inside me and I had to smile and take pictures and accept congratulations for something I never wanted to happen.

But like Silver, I care about Mum too much to kill her chance at happiness. She was brought up in a closed-off environment by her strict father before she was shipped off to an abusive husband that she spent years recovering from the remnants of his degradation.

Since Sebastian came into her life, she doesn’t need Copyright 2016 - 2024