To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five - J. S. Cooper Page 0,9

offered us both a warm smile. “I would even be your appetizer, Magnolia, if you so want.”

“No, I do not want.” I shook my head. “And no, you can’t join us.” I looked over at Jane, who was laughing silently. “It’s not funny. He’s such a pig.”

“You guys have an interesting relationship.” She made a face as her stomach growled. “Now, let’s grab some food. My belly is hungry.”

“Can I come?” Jagger grinned, then leaned forward and whispered into my ear, “In you.”

“In your dreams, honey.”

“Oh, it’s already happened in my dreams, sweet bee.” He winked at me and pulled away. “And lunch is on me for letting me crash and to celebrate Magnolia’s first day.”

“Aw thanks, you didn’t have to do that.” Behind Jagger’s back, Jane gave me a quick thumbs up. I wrinkled my nose at her and walked past Jagger to lead the way to the restaurant.

I didn’t know what he was playing at, but I knew that it wasn’t all bad that he was back in my life again. If I was honest, he was even cuter than I remembered. And back in the day, I’d thought he was absolutely gorgeous, though I didn’t want to remember just how badly I’d liked him. Because the more I thought about how much of a crush I’d had on him in the old days, the more other memories would come crashing in, and I’d die if I had to revisit the scandals of my past. My face flamed red as a thought of Doug and Jagger crossed my mind.

There was no way in hell I wanted to relive those memories, and I was going to have to make sure Jagger knew that I didn’t want him in my life. No way, no how. I didn’t care how hot and flirtatious he was … even if my heart and panties were telling me otherwise.

Chapter Five

Dear World,

My first day was okay. I don’t really know what to say. I’m not a fashion blogger. And my new boss isn’t as fun and cool as I thought he was going to be. But that’s the least of my problems. My date was canceled. The guy sent me a message and then deleted me and so I’m still a dating disaster. I also have a new neighbor, did I tell you about him? I don’t really want to say much, but he’s crazy and super hot, and he leaves the most inappropriate notes I’ve ever seen in my life. And well, I kind of already know him. Though you would never believe how I know him. Let’s just say that once, a very long time ago, I was a very bad girl.



My arms were feeling heavy from carrying the fat stack of finance books that I’d gotten at the bookstore. I hadn’t taken a tote bag and had been too cheap to buy a plastic bag, and now my arms were feeling the pain. I walked out of the elevator and towards my front door, thankful that Jagger wasn’t standing in the corridor waiting for me. Lunch had actually been an enjoyable experience, but that didn’t mean anything. Jagger had always been a fun guy to be around; a total player, but a fun guy.

I stopped outside my door and searched for my keys, groaning as I noticed about ten sticky notes posted on my door. What did this man not understand when I’d told him not to leave me any more notes? I debated leaving the notes on the door, ripping them off and dropping them on his doormat, or gathering them and taking them into the apartment with me. Finally, curiosity got the better of me and I took the notes in with me. I dropped the books onto my blue velvet couch that I’d gotten at WestElm on a huge discount and carried the notes with me to the kitchen. I placed them on my small pinewood kitchen table and opened the fridge. I was thirsty and hungry, and I had no idea what I was going to eat for dinner. I stared at my half-empty fridge and opened the freezer. I had some frozen pasta dishes that I’d bought the day before and decided to microwave a chicken parmigiana meal. I walked over to the dining room table and looked at the notes, which had been clearly labeled from one to ten, and decided to read through them while I waited.

Note #1

To My Cute Neighbor in #4,

Lunch was fun. Copyright 2016 - 2024