To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five - J. S. Cooper Page 0,29

forgave me a few years back, and well, Doug and I don’t talk at all anymore.” I sighed. “It was all one big hot mess. I never really wanted to think about it again.”

“Why did you do it?” Jane asked, an understanding look on her face. “You don’t strike me as a bitch or a hoe. So what made you do it?”

“Honestly?” I looked up and offered them both a weak smile. “I’ve been in love with Kingston Jagger Scott since I was seven years old. When I had daydreams about getting married or kissing or having sex, it was always with Jagger. He’s always been the one that I’ve wanted.”

“Why did you date his brother?”

“I don’t know.” I sighed. “We were best friends. Everyone thought it would be so romantic. Even I thought that at one point, but my feelings for him never grew. Kissing him was like kissing my brother.” I made a face. “Well, not that gross. It was sweet, but there were never any sparks.”

“How was the sex?” Millie asked.

“I never slept with him.” I shook my head. “We didn’t even get to second base. He never really pushed it.” I pressed my lips together, looking for the right words. “It’s hard to explain. We didn’t have that sort of relationship. I think he knew that I didn’t feel that way, yet he still wanted me.”

“Aww, that’s sad. So what happened to him?”

“He went to college, started dating a girl, and got married.” I laughed. “Last I heard, he’d just had a baby.”

“No way,” Jane said. “So he got over you?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “To be honest it makes me sad to know he moved on. Not because I’m not happy for him. I’m ever so happy, but because I miss him so much. He was my best friend. I told him everything.” I was wistful. “And in one night, I ruined our entire friendship. That hurts me to this day.”

“I’m so sorry.” Jane put her arm around my shoulder. “That sounds hard.”

“Yeah, that sounds horrible.” Millie nodded. “Jagger is a dick for bringing it up. That was totally not the right moment.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “He’s such an asshole.”

“Talking about me again?” Tate walked into the office and our eyes all flicked apprehensively to him. What was he going to think and say seeing us all huddled in the kitchen gossiping again this morning?

But he just smirked and said, “Office meeting in fifteen minutes. Don’t be late.” And with that, he turned around and left.

“That was not how I was expecting that to go,” I said with a rueful smile as I looked at the other two girls. “I guess we should get to work.”

“What? No!” Millie looked sad. “I want to know what happened after you left!”

“Nothing.” I shrugged. “I went home and then left super early for work.” I paused. “Though he did give leave me another note this morning with his phone number asking me to call him or something so we can get together and talk.”

“Oh, cool. Good, good!” Jane said. “So when are you guys meeting up?”

“Oh, I haven’t called him or texted him.” I shook my head vehemently. “I’m not getting together with that guy again.”

“What?” Millie looked aghast. “But you must! You guys have never talked through anything.”

“Yeah,” Jane said. “He’s a bit of a jerk, but you obviously still have a thing for him. You should totally meet up with him. See what he has to say.”

“There’s nothing he can say that will make me feel better about this situation.” I shook my head. “Yesterday, I thought, well I wasn’t thinking clearly, but I thought maybe we could have a bit of fun, but he ended up hurting my feelings. What he said … well, it made me feel like shit.”

“Do you think he meant to make you feel bad, though?” Millie asked. “You know guys are stupid. They always crack stupid jokes and say things that hurt our feelings without even realizing it.”

“Yeah, I agree. A lot of what guys say isn’t premeditated. They’re just dumb.” Jane nodded. “My older brother is the king of stupid jokes.” She smiled. “When my mom was complaining that her dress didn’t fit, he told her now was the time to join Weight Watchers. Let’s just say Mom didn’t think it was funny.”

“Oh, man, that’s true, but if I’m honest, I’m also embarrassed. Plus everything is so sexualized with him that it makes me wonder if I will be able to resist Copyright 2016 - 2024