To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five - J. S. Cooper Page 0,19

stared at my lips, and I licked them nervously as he dropped my hand. I was slightly disappointed that he hadn’t placed it on his cock, but then again I wasn’t sure what I would have done if he had.

“My friends are waiting for me.” I started to walk away from him. Much to my dismay, he followed me. “Jagger, what are you doing?”

“I want to meet your friends.”

“I didn’t invite you to come and meet them.”

“Are you going to be this difficult forever?”

“I’m not being difficult.” I shook my head and before I knew it we were at the table with all the girls.

“Why, hello. Who are you?” Millie’s eyes lit up and she beamed. “I’m Millie.”

“Hi, Millie, I’m Jagger.”

“Jagger?” Millie looked thoughtful and then her eyes widened. “You’re dildo guy?”

“Yes, I am.” He grinned and then looked at me. “Didn’t open it, huh?”

“Shut up.” I glared at him.

“Hi, Jane, nice to see you again.”

“You too.” She smiled and then looked at me. “Wanna sit, Magnolia?”

“Sure.” I slid in next to her. “Ah, man, looks like we don’t have seats left.” I gave Jagger a sorrowful look. “Sorry about that.”

“I don’t need to sit.” He winked at me and chugged on his beer. “So, you girls all work together?”

“Yes.” Millie was practically drooling. “I’m Millie, in case you forgot. That’s Olivia, Birdy, and I guess you already know Jane and Magnolia.”

“Yes, I know Magnolia very well.”

“Not very well,” I snapped.

“I’d say quite well.” His eyes never left mine. “I’ve known you for a long time, Magnolia.”

“We haven’t seen each other in years.”

“But that doesn’t mean I forget our history.”

“Ooh, how do you guys know each other?” Millie looked inquisitive as she sat forward.

“We’re childhood friends,” he answered.

I shook my head vehemently. “No, we’re not.”

“We grew up on the same street.” Jagger ran a hand through his silky dark hair. “I’ve known Magnolia since she was a kid.”

“You were a kid, too.” I pointed at him. “You’re only two years older than me.”

“So you know all Magnolia’s secrets?” Jane said with a giggle, and I froze wondering how Jagger was going to respond to that.

“I know a secret or two.” His voice was casual, as if he didn’t know the most embarrassing secret of my life. “By the way, Magnolia, I spoke to Doug this afternoon. He said hello.”

“Oh, okay,” I muttered, not really knowing what to say.

“Who’s Doug?” Jane asked, a huge grin on her face.

“No one.” My mind raced as I tried to think of a way to change the subject.

“Doug is my brother.” Jagger took another chug of his beer. Then he looked at me and smiled. “He’s also Magnolia’s ex-boyfriend.”

All four girls stared at me in shock. That was not something they’d expected to hear, and I knew that I had a whole heap of questions to answer. I glared at Jagger who just laughed as he watched me squirm on my seat. He looked like he was about to say something else, but a waiter approached the table with a stack of plates and I’d never been so happy to see bar food before in my life.

Three hours later I was headed to my door, full of alcohol and food and a little anger. Jagger had left the bar about twenty minutes after he’d dropped the bomb about Doug. The good thing about that was that my coworkers hadn’t asked me more about what Jagger had said, though I knew they were curious. Millie had kept staring at me with a sly smile on her face and hadn’t stopped until Birdy had whispered something to her. I wasn’t sure what she’d said, but I was glad she’d said something. I thought all the girls were great, but I didn’t want to divulge all my secrets to them. I barely knew them.

I stopped outside my door and was about to grab my keys when I decided that I was too mad to go straight home. With my present tucked under my arm, I made my way to number five and knocked loudly.

Jagger opened the door with an annoyed expression, which changed as soon as he saw me. “Magnolia, what a pleasant surprise.”

“Don’t pleasant surprise me, Jagger.” I scowled. “I have a bone to pick with you.” I poked him in the chest and then stopped. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea. Jagger was only wearing a pair of white briefs and I swallowed hard as I realized they left nothing to the imagination. Jagger was packing. Copyright 2016 - 2024