To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five - J. S. Cooper Page 0,18

about an idea I had for an article. I wanted to pitch it to you guys before I spoke to Tate tomorrow morning.”

“Not work.” Jane moaned. “I don’t want to hear that devil’s name outside of the office.”

“You totally want to fuck him.” Millie was definitely drunk.

“Who?” Jane blushed.

“Tate, of course.” Olivia nodded. “I mean, who wouldn’t? He’s a total hunk.”

“He’s an asshole!” Jane protested and made a face. “I wouldn’t fuck him if you paid me.”

“I would.” Birdy said and we all looked at her in shock. “What?” She grinned. “You wouldn’t even have to pay me much. He looks like he knows how to pleasure a girl if you know what I mean.”

“You like Tate?” I asked her, wondering if that was why she’d been so shy in the office.

“Oh, no.” She shook her head quickly. “I mean, yes, he’s hot, but I don’t fancy him. Plus he’s Jane’s.”

“He’s not mine. I can’t stand him!” Jane was louder now, and it struck me that she was protesting way too much for someone who truly wasn’t interested. “Let’s grab a table.”

“I need to order the food first.” I waved them on. “You guys go ahead and find a table, and then I’ll join you.” I moved closer to the bar to try and get the bartender's attention. I felt like I’d been standing there for what felt like years when finally he headed over to me. “Hi, can I place an order for some food? You can put it on my tab.”

“Sure, what do you want?”

“An order of the beef nachos, one of the garlic fries, twelve barbeque wings … oh, and some mozzarella sticks.”

“Anything else?”

“One of those giant pretzels with cheese.” I grinned. “That should do.”

“Last name?”


“Okay, take this. We’ll bring it out to you.” He handed me a number and walked away.

“You sure have a big appetite,” a deep voice next to me growled into my ear and I jumped.

I turned to find myself staring into Jagger’s deep green eyes. “Are you following me?”

“Am I following you?” He cocked his head to the side. “How would that be possible, Magnolia?”

“I don’t know, but this is creepy.” I glared at him, trying to ignore the musky, masculine scent that wafted up my nostrils. He smelled amazing. I looked him over and was pleasantly surprised by his attire; he was wearing a crisp white shirt and dark navy jeans. “I thought you only wore hoodies and suits?”

“Obviously you thought wrong.”

“Did you wear that to work?”

“Maybe.” The sparkle in his eyes told me he was being deliberately evasive. “So are you really going to be able to eat all of that yourself or do you need my help?”

“I don’t need your help, and I’m not here alone.”

“Oh.” His eyes narrowed and the smile left his face. “Who are you with?”

I looked around the bar until my eyes found a cute guy sitting by himself on the other side. “Him.” I pointed at the guy. “I’m on a date, so maybe you should leave now.”

“You don’t want to introduce me to your date?”


“Did you like my present?”

“What present?” I played like I had no idea what he was talking about.

“The one you’re going to ride tonight.” He winked.

“Oh, my date?” I pointed at the guy in the booth. “I don’t know if I’ll ride him tonight, but maybe tomorrow night.”

“Not that guy who seems to already have moved on?” He chuckled and I looked over to the booth and watched as a cute blonde girl slid into the seat next to my supposed date and started kissing him. “Looks like you won’t be bouncing on him anytime soon.”

“You’re a pig.” I scowled. “I’m actually here with some friends, so I’m going to leave now.”

“What are you going to call him?”

“Call who?” I gasped as he stroked my hair. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” He said as he moved his hand away. “Are you going to call him Jagger Jr.?”

“Call who Jagger Jr.?”

“Your new dildo,” he whispered into my ear. “I figured you should feel what eight inches is like before you have the real thing.”

“Oh, you, you ...” I poked him in the chest. “You’re disgusting. You only wish that you were that big.”

“You think?” He grabbed my hand and pulled it towards him.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I do love it when you stumble over your words.” He laughed. “And you’re oh so cute when you get all angry and red. Do you make this many faces in the bedroom?” He Copyright 2016 - 2024