To The Rude Guy in Apartment Five - J. S. Cooper Page 0,14

people who was able to dismiss something from my mind and compartmentalize work and private issues. I was all or nothing, and as much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I wanted to know what Jagger had gotten me. I hurried into the elevator and shook the box to see if I could guess what was inside of it. It made a loud clunk, but the sound wasn’t identifiable to me.

I walked out of the building and onto Bush Street and headed down the hill towards Chinatown. I walked quickly, excited to get to the office to chat with Jane and the other girls and to get started on my blog. I’d had an idea for the first post and wanted to run it by Tate before I started writing.

I got to the office about fifteen minutes later and walked to the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

“Hey, there, Magnolia.” Millie was holding a banana in one hand and a coffee cup in the other. “How are you doing today?”

“I’m tired.” I placed my bag and box down on the table. “I was up all night reading about credit card signups.”

“Wow, you’re on top of it, girl.” She looked impressed. “I have to admit that last night I was out on a blind date.”

“Oh, wow, how did it go?”

“Let’s just say I won’t waste your time telling you about a date with a wannabe comic called Drew Tater Tot.” She shook her head and I watched as her red curls bounced up and down. “His best joke was that knock-knock joke that ends with orange you glad I didn’t say banana.”

“Oh, no.” I laughed as I poured myself some coffee. “That’s like a grade school joke.”

“Exactly.” She giggled. “He told me he quit his job to go and audition for that comic reality TV show, and I was thinking, I hope you have a lot of savings because you’re not going to make it.”

“You didn’t say that to him, did you?”

“No, but I should have.” She took a bite of her banana. “At least he bought me some tacos. A free dinner helped me get over my misery.”

“What misery?” Olivia walked into the kitchen and yawned. “Oh, please tell me there’s some coffee left. I’m so tired.”

“Morning, Olivia.” Millie gave her a huge smile. “How do you look so pretty if you’re that tired?” She pouted and then looked at me. “You too, Magnolia. You look like you just came from an hour appointment at Sephora.”

“Is that good or bad?” I grinned. “They put on so much makeup when they do you up. Sometimes I feel like I look like a clown.”

“Oh, girl, you can’t wear it in the light of day.” Millie shook her head. “You get that makeup done for a night out on the town. Get it done before heading to the bar, and every single guy will be hitting on you.” She started laughing then. “The joke’s on them when you wake up the next morning and the makeup’s gone and you’re back to being a plain Jane.”

“Oh, Millie.” Olivia laughed as she sipped from her cup. “You’re funny.”

“I’m just telling the truth.” She grinned. “Do y’all think Birdy is going to show up today? She looked so nervous yesterday.”

“I hope so,” I said. “She seemed so nice.”

“Yeah, I thought so, too,” Olivia agreed. “I think we were all a bit overwhelmed. Tate seems like a hardass.”

“Did I just hear you say Tate has a tight ass?” Jane entered the kitchen and made a face.

“No, I said he’s a hardass.” Olivia and I both gave Jane a curious look. “What’s your deal with Tate, anyway? You guys seem like you have history.”

Jane shuddered. “No history. He just gets on my nerves.” She walked over to the table and looked at my present. “What’s this? Is it someone’s birthday?”

“No.” I shook my head and walked over to the table. “It was on my doorstep this morning. I think it’s a present from Jagger.”

“Who’s Jagger?” Olivia asked as she and Millie walked over to the table. “Your boyfriend?”

“No, no,” I said quickly. “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s my neighbor.”

“Her very good-looking neighbor.” Jane fanned her hand in front of her face.

“How do you know?” Millie asked.

“I met him yesterday when we went for lunch,” Jane said. “Let’s just say that he and Magnolia’s chemistry is off the charts.”

“No, it’s not,” I exclaimed. “He’s an asshole!”

“An asshole that gives you presents?” Millie played with her curls. Copyright 2016 - 2024