Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,71

exit loomed ahead with two cars in front of him. Hollywood flew around them, ignoring their blaring horns. His only concern was getting to Talena before the fucker hurt her any worse. He shaved off another minute from the five, making it to the gate where he’d already keyed in the access. The damn thing wasn’t opening fast enough, so without missing a beat, he stomped on the gas, busting through the rest of the way.

The sound of his alarm going off blared. He looked back down at the camera where Talena had been, finding his closet empty. “Shit.”

His garage door wouldn’t rise with his opener at first, then on the second try, it began moving. He hopped out of the SUV, leaving it running, and slid to the side of the bay closest to the opening one, watching to see if anyone was waiting to ambush him. Ducking and rolling, he entered, keeping low and maneuvering around his other vehicles.

Once he was sure the coast was clear, he made his way to the door, searching for clues of the trespasser and his entry point. The palm reader was still activated, scanning his hand. He heard the familiar beep before the huge door slid open. The smell of bacon still lingered as he entered the mudroom. The first thing he noticed was a piece of wax lying on the ground.

“Son-of-a-bitch,” he swore. The thin piece of wax-like material held what was clearly a print. “The fucker used me to get into my own home.” The how would have to wait until he killed the bastard.

He cleared the kitchen then the living area, seeing little tells that he was aware weren’t made by him or Talena. Before he headed toward the master, he pushed on a hidden panel, grabbing one of the guns and the clip that was already loaded. He loaded it, stuffing it into the back of his jeans, then grabbed the other, checking the clip, and slid it inside. He held the weapon loosely as he walked steadily toward his bedroom. A faint noise coming from the guest suite across the hall had him stopping, flattening himself against the wall, and moving with caution. The closer he got to the entryway, the more he could make out the sound. If Louis hadn’t already been dead in his mind, he would’ve been then.

Chapter Twelve

“YOU SHOULD JUST GIVE it up, and I’ll go easier on you than I did Rosalie. We all took turns with her after she learned her lesson last night. However, I’m sad to say she won’t be making any more of the races. Of course, neither will you, Punta. The difference is you can go out easier than she did, or you can go out harder. It’s up to you. I prefer the hard way, but that’s just me. I don’t mind sliding into a woman if she’s still warm. I can even use your blood to ease the way.” Louis licked his lips.

She saw his muscles bunch, even though he was trying to distract her with his disgusting words of what he planned to do to her. She may have hated Rosalie, but if what he said was true then...shit, he was a murderer and a sadistic asshole. Just as he struck with his wicked looking belt, she ducked, hearing the whistle it made as it barely missed her. Using all her strength, she rolled with the bat in her arms, coming up right in front of him, nailing his knees with a satisfying crack.

“You fucking whore,” he yelled.

Talena didn’t wait around. Jumping to her feet and hitting the door with the palm of her hand, she slammed the door behind her and ran. She knew she should’ve taken the time to inspect the entire house earlier, but couldn’t change the past, so she went to the first door across the hall. The lights came on automatically when she entered, making her wish she knew how to shut the fuckers off. Her only hope was that he wouldn’t be able to see beneath the door. The lock was a simple turn style, but she feared if she locked it, he’d know she was inside. Indecision warred within her, and in the end, she ran behind the desk, opened one of the cabinets then another, looking for one that would hide her.

“Oh, Lucy, come out, come out, wherever you are,” Louis cheered.

She twisted to stare at the door, then the desk, and finally the door on Copyright 2016 - 2024