Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,70

your ass in the safe room and don’t come out until they call you on this cell with the code. Got it?” he asked and waited for her affirmation.

Once he was assured that she was safely in the room, he breathed easier.

“You gonna share with the class the code word so we don’t get shot in the dick?” Roq asked, the man’s voice sounded like he was laughing instead of alarmed.

“I don’t know why you’re not more afraid than you are, asshole. I like my junk without holes in it, thank you very much,” Axl muttered.

“You just need a piercing to make it prettier is all,” Ridley announced.

“Would you two shut the fuck up so he can tell us the code, or I’ll shoot you both in the damn dick.” Roq’s words made the other two men groan.

“The code is slim gym,” Hollywood informed them.

“Huh, wasn’t expecting that,” Axl said. “I mean, that’s kinda lame unless you have a slim dick or something, but then if your mama knows, I guess then that’s like fucked up on another level. Again, we ain’t judging that shit because well, I mean, you know, our families were all kinds of fucked up.”

“Ignore him. Sometimes he gets diarrhea of the mouth. We got the code, and we’ll be sure to use it. None of us want to lose our junk, regardless of some of us having issues, Axl.” Roq laughed.

Hollywood would’ve joined in if he wasn’t freaking out. “Thanks, I’ll owe you.”

“Nah you did a solid for Cosmo and his ole lady. We know how much that meant to him, because even though it’s something he wanted to do, if he would’ve done it, Tai might’ve been upset.”

He disconnected after being assured they were entering the gated community with his mom aware they were there. Tara was prepared for the huge men, and he hoped like hell they were prepared for the little spitfire that was his mother.

Scott wasn’t so sure Cosmo wouldn’t have done it anyhow, but he kept quiet, his mind on Talena. He tried her cell, cursing when it went to voicemail. On the third try, he began getting that sick feeling in his gut he only had when shit was going to go FUBAR. He pulled up the security cameras in his home, seeing nothing but static. “Fuck,” he yelled, tossing the cell into the passenger seat. It would take him another ten minutes to get back to his house. Ten motherfucking minutes to his ole lady who was probably in the hands of a sick fuck.

His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, and the powerful engine roared beneath the hood. If a police officer decided now was a good time to try to pull him over, he’d be in for a chase that would make the OJ Simpson one look like a fool’s run.

With the last bit of sanity he had, he pushed the monitor on his dash, remembering he had access to his home security, including the gate that was supposed to keep everyone out. Punching in the backdoor access code only he had, he locked it down. The only thing that would get the fucker open now was him and or a tank. Another series of numbers got the cameras up and running. He didn’t have the ability to see all the cameras at once, like on his smartphone, which made his blood boil and his fingers twitch. One by one, he went through the room, looking for any sign of an intruder.

“Your exit is coming up in 1.2 miles.” The car’s navigation announced at the same moment he saw his worst nightmare in full color. Talena stood in his closet holding a baseball bat like a slugger facing off against a man whirling something that looked like a whip.

“Don’t let him get close, baby girl,” he whispered, seeing the metal clasp at the end and knowing if he hit her tender flesh with it the damage it could cause.

He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but watching Talena, he saw her lips were moving, and fright combined with determination was stamped on her beautiful face. If she could hold off for another five minutes, he’d be there.

The saying time stood still became something he finally understood as Talena’s eyes widened. The lips he’d loved opened in what he knew was a scream, and he was utterly helpless to do anything but watch as Louis swung his weapon. “I will kill you,” he promised.

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