Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,56

his marks on her body. Later he’d map them. For now, they both needed her to come.

“Come for me, Talena.” He bent back to her, pushing his tongue into her opening, devouring her like she was his last meal, using his thumb to rub her clit. Finally, he replaced his thumb with his mouth, sucking it into his mouth as he pushed two fingers inside, then a third, pumping in and out. Talena’s cry came, then her pussy locked down on his digits, her hips thrusting up. He continued to lick at her, letting her come down slowly.

“Please, I need you. I...I need you in me. I feel empty.” Her wail had him moving to release first her legs, then her arms, rubbing them to ensure she was okay before he helped move them down.

“Oh,” she gasped, her arms coming around his head.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded. “They tingle a little.”

He kissed her nose. “I figured they’d been in there long enough this time.”

She wiggled beneath him, her heart banging against his. “This time?”

“Baby, I told you, this isn’t a one and done, deal.” His dick nudged her pussy, sliding between the wetness from her orgasm.

“I’m on the shot. No condom is needed.” She looked over to where he’d laid the little foil packet.

He nodded. “I’m clean. My last checkup was two months ago. I haven’t been with anyone since then.”

After China, he’d had some sixth sense. Getting a clean bill of health had been paramount.

“I haven’t been with anyone in over a year. Even before that I’ve never had unprotected sex.” She held his stare, unflinching in his face of anger.

“It’s gutting me to keep from asking for names and addresses,” he admitted.

Talena lifted first her right leg, then her left, wrapping them around his waist. The feel of her wet pussy gliding along his dick had his eyes crossing. “Let’s forget about the past.”

“Good idea, Sir.” She lifted her hips, riding the ridge of him.

“Are you trying to top from the bottom, mon pourri?” He held himself up off her, glaring down at the beautiful smirking woman who was all his.

“I don’t even know what that is, but if it has anything to do with you putting that beautiful cock inside me, then I’m totally here for it.”

“My sweet little pussy is going to get fucked good and proper in a few minutes, and we’ll see just how much you like trying to top me, baby.” He bent, covering her mouth, shifting so he could guide his dick into her.

Chapter Nine

TALENA JERKED AT THE pressure between her thighs, crying out at the feel of Hollywood’s monster dick entering her. His mouth covering hers kept her from screaming too loudly, but even if she had there wasn’t anyone who’d have heard her. She’d known he was too big, but fuck, she’d been sure she could take him.

“Ssh, you can take me,” he reassured her, easing backward, then forward.

Oh sure, he could say that because he wasn’t the one being split it two by a freaking third arm. And then he shifted, his fingers moving down her body. She could’ve told him she was only a one clitoris orgasm girl and saved him the work, but he was kissing her again, and lord save her, the man kissed like a fucking god. And then something magical happened, the sensitive bundle of nerves she’d thought she knew began to tingle under his ministrations, little tingles that went from the tips of her toes all the way to her breasts and back. She didn’t know how he did it, or...oh god, she was going to come again.

“Right there, please, don’t stop,” she pleaded,

He tugged on her clit, rubbed his thumb faster, making her need come roaring back.

Just when she was sure he’d send her flying, he knelt up between her thighs, pushing her legs further apart, guiding himself into her with one hand holding his cock.

“Look at me, Talena. Watch me as I take you.” He rubbed the mushroom shaped head up and down, getting his cock wet, then pushed inside again.

She took a deep breath, the stretch and burn a pain she craved.

“Keep your fucking eyes open,” he demanded.

Talena hadn’t realized she’d shut them, her gaze glued to his, then down. Without pause, he slammed inside, pushing through her tightness, robbing her of breath. Her body jerked, accepting him with a spine bending tingle she was sure would rob her of her very soul.

“Motherfuck, you’re so damn tight.” He rested with his Copyright 2016 - 2024