Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,55

to put on my wall.”

She bit her bottom lip, a shy little smile on her lips. “Wouldn’t the person who blew it up see me naked?”

“I have a friend who would allow me to use their equipment. Now hush, I’m busy.” He covered her lips with his, kissing her protest away. Her tongue slid against his, dueling. His teeth nipped as he pulled back, making her yelp.

She moistened her lips, keeping silent as he began kissing a slow path down her neck. He wanted to find everything she liked and didn’t like. A small nibble behind her ear made her shiver, then he licked down the column of her neck and bit on her shoulder, not hard enough to bruise, but enough she felt his teeth. Her body jerked, but she lifted toward his mouth, not away. The little tells let him know she liked a bit of pain, which was good because he did too.

From here on out, she would know who the most important person in her life was, him. He had the MC; they were his brothers, but she was his woman. He’d chosen her long before he’d known about the Royal MC, long before he’d ever known what it was to look death in the eye. After tonight, he’d stare the Grim Reaper in the face and dare him to fuck with his ole lady, because if anyone thought they would get to her, they would find out he made the other guys look like choir boys.

He bit the swell of one breast, leaving a visible mark there then kissed it, sucking the tender flesh into his mouth. “So damn soft, baby.”

Scott gave the same attention to the other breast, her little cry of arousal sent heat sizzling through his veins. He was going to make sure she was so fucking wet, so turned on when he slid in her she forgot all about her thoughts of him being too big. Fucking toddler arm. He nearly laughed out loud. She didn’t mind that he liked it rough or wanted to leave his teeth prints in her. If anything, Talena was encouraging him with her little cries of need, the way her body was lifting toward him even though she was tied down. Damn, she was perfect, exactly what he’d needed for a woman.

The soft sounds she made urged him on as he settled between her thighs, the smooth mound of her pussy a perfect spot for another mark he couldn’t resist to nip. His name came out a breathless plea. He loved it, loved her. Using his thumbs, he spread her open, looking at the most perfect pussy ever created. “I have never seen a sweeter piece of heaven.” He licked her from her entrance to clit, circling that hard little nub a couple times then back down, lapping up her sweet juices.

Her breathy little moan of Sir was a gift. One he would cherish and reward her for. Blowing a puff of air over her clit, he licked and sucked her folds, running his tongue up one side and down the other. He’d teased her into a state that her little clit was swollen, her hunger for release was close to a boiling point. Each time he flicked that little bit of flesh, she jerked, her pussy fluttering like a vice. The sweet scent of her arousal increased, letting him know it wouldn’t take much more for her.

“You ready to come for me, mon pourri?” He lashed his tongue up her right thigh, teasing the both of them then moved back to her clit and flicked it hard, circling it time and time again.

“Scott, please. Oh, Sir, make me come.”

He grinned against her, holding one big palm over her abdomen, her core muscles jumping beneath him as her begging became frantic with each lick and suck. Adjusting his grip so his arm lay over her stomach, freeing up his hand to hold her open, he then eased two fingers of his other inside her. Scott sucked her clit inside, watching as he fucked her with his fingers. Her body swayed with his pumping fingers; her breasts heaved with her breathing, and her nipples became hardened peaks showing she loved everything he was doing to her. The entire picture was nothing short of erotic, her and her small, voluptuous frame strapped down on his red silk sheets, her blonde hair fanned out like a golden halo. If he looked close enough, he’d be able to see Copyright 2016 - 2024