Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,42

or mine, little boy. Run on back to your friends before you get hurt.” Hollywood pushed the guy back with one hand, placing himself in front of Talena, walking backward.

She realized he was herding her back to her car’s driver’s door. “How did you know I was here?”

“Get in and scoot over to the passenger seat,” he bit out.

A white SUV sat idling a few feet away along with the vehicle she’d seen following her on the highway. She was so screwed.

“I can explain,” she tried.

“Inside and over or I’m going to bend you over the hood of this car and light that ass up in front of all these motherfuckers, T.” Hollywood didn’t look at her, his focus on the crowd of young men.

Her hand shook almost too much to where she couldn’t get the door to open, but she got it on the second try, crawling over to the passenger seat like he’d told her. Her gun felt heavy in her hand, but she didn’t put it away until he was inside with her. He didn’t look at her as he started the car. The rumble of the big engine beneath her didn’t give her the normal rush. No, this time, she had a feeling the fast vehicle meant she’d be getting whatever punishment he had for her a lot quicker too. When he’d threatened to put her over the hood though, her body hadn’t been repulsed, just the opposite in fact.

Calculated thoughts raced through her mind. Like how could she get him to do that very thing? Except she definitely didn’t want there to be a bunch of assholes watching who were there to possibly gang rape her and kill him. Yeah, she wasn’t there for that. Now, being fucked and spanked by Hollywood? She was so here, there, and everywhere for some of that.

HOLLYWOOD NEEDED TO calm the fuck down, or he was liable to do some serious damage, or fuck Talena right in front of everyone. Son-of-a-bitch, he was equal parts scared shitless and hard as stone, watching her pull her gun out and threaten the little punk who dared fuck with her. He’d damn near leapt out of the moving SUV when he’d seen the asshole strolling up to where she stood pumping gas in her car, his sly wink enough of a reason for Hollywood to beat the shit out of him. But it was the blade he’d twirled around and then hid in his back pocket that scared him the most. He’d hit the unlock button on Cosmo’s rig before they’d come to a rocking stop, leaping out and running across the road like the hounds of Hell were after him.

He held his hand up as he heard her take a deep breath, stopping whatever she planned on saying. “T, my control is held by a very fucking slim thread. I suggest you sit there and be quiet until I get us a few miles down the road, or I’m liable to turn around, kill a parking lot full of idiots, before fucking you senseless in a river of their blood,” he bit out, uncaring that he’d just said the filthiest thing to her.

The streets were a blur as he drove through the shitty part of town behind her, anger building as it became obvious her little pit stop was in a dangerous neighborhood. “What the fuck were you thinking?” he barked.

When silence met his question, he took his eyes off the road, looking at her profile. Her usually tan complexion was almost ghostly. Fuck he’d done scared the living shit out of her with his threat. He let out a sigh, reigning in his anger, and tried to still the need to touch her, failing on the last. The memory of her wild driving had him reaching over, touching her cheek. “Dammit, I’m sorry, baby.” His voice was softer than moments before.

“I’m sorry, Hollywood. I didn’t mean to make you have to face off against those guys. I was almost out of gas, and that was the closest one I saw,” she whispered.

His heart banged against his chest. She was apologizing because she thought he was mad because of the fucking gas station bullshit? He wanted to fucking laugh, and at the same time, he wanted to pull her over his lap...not to spank, much. His fingers itched to do that and so much more. “Talena, we have a lot to talk about. Right now, I need to get this ride Copyright 2016 - 2024