Royally Chosen Christmas (Royal Sons MC #7) - Elle Boon Page 0,41

was dropping. Although her drug of choice was adrenalin, she could feel her body ready to crash. “Just like I’m going to do if I don’t stay focused. Fuck what is that?” Bright lights blazed toward her from the left. She wondered if Louis had brought in reinforcements to corral her or some shit. If only she could get to her phone, but then who would she call, Hollywood? Hell no, he’d be so pissed.

She jerked the wheel to the right to avoid another car, hearing the ding dinging she’d been waiting on to happen. Low Fuel blinked up at her like a damn neon light, mocking her. She chanced a look in her rearview, letting out a little breath of relief when she didn’t see Louis’s car. What she did see was another vehicle, bobbing and weaving causing cars to swerve and collide. “Holy shit, this is bad, sooo bad.”

Up ahead in the distance, she saw the overhead signs that meant an onramp was there. She’d have to do some quick maneuvering, but it was the only way for her to get the fuck off. Sending a prayer up, she began moving toward the nearest lane, keeping an eye on the crazy bastard behind her. “Please let me make it out of this alive.”

By the skin of her teeth, she was able to spin the small car around and make it off the on ramp without wrecking or running out of gas. Her heart was beating so hard and fast, she didn’t think she’d survive if anything else went wrong. Unsure exactly where she was, she looked around for a gas station, groaning when she noticed all the people hanging around the pumps. “Just my luck,” she muttered.

Talena rolled her vehicle to the only open gas pump, reaching into the glove box for her gun and credit card. She slid her Sig P365 out, checked it was loaded, before she got out with her jacket on, tucking the gun safely inside her back holster.

She slid her credit card into the reader, pressed the appropriate buttons and waited. All the while, she heard music and voices, paying close attention to her surroundings. Hollywood and her mom had been very persistent that she learn to defend herself when she’d graduated high school. Not that she minded the training, it had been a way for her to focus and keep fit when she’d needed the outlet. Now she used the training to her advantage as she slid the nozzle into her car, tapping her hand on the handle while she waited. Five gallons. Ten gallons. Hell, that was enough. She pulled the lever down, stopping the fuel flow, feeling the hair on the back of her neck rise.

Without looking up, she replaced the nozzle, screwed on her cap, and was reaching for the slip.

“What’s a fine thing like you doing all alone in a place like this?”

Talena closed her eyes and counted to three. When she opened her eyes, she looked at the man who was way too close for her peace of mind and grinned. “I just got off of work and need to return my guy’s car to him.”

“Told you it wasn’t hers. Why don’t you let me take it for a little spin? I’m sure your guy wouldn’t mind. In fact, he’ll never have to know.” The blond man with more piercings than sense moved a step closer.

Talena whipped her gun out, pressing it to his forehead. “You see, I’d know, and that’s gonna be a problem. Now this is how it’s going to go. I’m getting into my car and driving away. You and your friends will continue with your party like nothing happened because nothing did. I was never here.”

“Bitch, you pull a gun on me and you think I’ll act like nothing happened?”

“You can either do as she says, or I’ll put a bullet through your head and that’s one hole you won’t be putting some jewelry through.”

Talena nearly sagged in relief at the familiar sound of Hollywood’s voice. The fact she had her gun pressed against a young thug’s forehead kept her steady, barely. “Hey,” she said.

“Hey, yourself. So, what’s it gonna be, boys. You think you can walk through a bullet to the brain? I promise, she’s a damn good shot, and even if she wasn’t, nobody misses at point blank range.” Hollywood stepped closer, a semi-automatic hanging loosely from his arm.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Your worst fucking nightmare if you fuck with me Copyright 2016 - 2024