Royal Wedding - Meg Cabot Page 0,54

Wedding in July: So happy!

3. Genovia—popular summer tourist destination, especially in July. Rentals/hotel rooms still available!

4. Election—Prince Phillipe’s platform: Equality for all!

8:15 A.M.

Limo will greet HRH Mia at stage door and escort HRH Mia to breakfast at Plaza Hotel with Dowager Princess Clarice Renaldo and Rolanda.

9:00 A.M.–

12:00 P.M.

Meeting to solidify wedding invitation, cake, guest list, gown, entertainment choices.

12:15 P.M.

Limo to escort HRH Mia to the NoMad Hotel.

—Renaldo/21st Century Fox Luncheon—

1:00–3:00 P.M.

The Parlour. Attendees: HRH Mia, HRH Dowager Princess Clarisse Renaldo, Dominique, representatives from Lazarres-Reynolds and 21st Century Fox.

Talking points:

1. Discussion of granting 21st Century Fox exclusive worldwide rights to film Royal Wedding.

3:00 P.M.

Limo to escort HRH Mia home.

6:00 P.M.

Limo to escort HRH Mia to Gramercy Tavern.

—Renaldo-Moscovitz Dinner—

6:30–8:30 P.M.

Front room: HRH Mia and Michael Moscovitz, window table. Press will be contacted for “impromptu” photo op of happy couple dining together.

9:00 P.M.

Limo to escort HRH Mia to grocery store. Purchase: cat food. “Royals: They’re Just Like Us” photo shoot for Majesty Magazine.

10:00 P.M

Limo to escort HRH Mia home.


9:30 A.M.

Limo will be waiting to escort HRH Mia to airport.

11:00 A.M.

Depart Teterboro on board private jet.

10:00 P.M. (GST)

Arrive Genovia.


1:45 p.m., Tuesday, May 5

Frank Gianini Community Center

Rate the Royals Rating: 1

Perin must have heard me hyperventilating over the itinerary since she just popped her head into my office and asked, looking all concerned, “Mia? Are you all right?”

I said, “Fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry, it’s not work-related. Just . . . something my grandmother sent over. But I’m good. Or I will be, after I make a few phone calls.”

Perin shook her head and said, “You know, Mia, you don’t have to stay at work today. I know how busy you must be with, um, everything you have to do with the wedding, and the stuff your dad has, uh, going on. You could leave, if you want to. You don’t even have to work from home. Ling Su and I have everything under control.”

I told her not to worry, I plan on coming in every day, as normal . . . well, as much as my schedule will allow.

I never saw myself as one of those women who only worked until she got a ring on her finger, then spent the rest of her life being a professional bride/wife (especially since I’m already a princess, which is basically a profession unto itself). I’m not exactly Lana Weinberger (Rockefeller).

But based on the itinerary Dominique has sent over, I can see how that happens for some people, especially when they have pushy families or spouses-to-be or their wedding is going to be internationally televised. There’s just so much to do!

I feel a renewed respect for every royal bride who ever existed.

Honestly, though, I have the best friends (and staff) in the world.

My family, I’m not so sure about.


1:55 p.m., Tuesday, May 5

HELV on the way to the Consulate

Rate the Royals Rating: 1

Ugh. Also, damn. And also, eww.

Now I realize Perin wasn’t being sweet when she told me I didn’t have to stay at work. She was being practical. And also trying to protect the center . . . and me.

I was trying to get Dominique on the phone to tell her that while I appreciate the itinerary she sent over, we needed to tweak it a little—such as scheduling a meeting with my future in-laws and the fact that my brother Rocky’s birthday is May 10, so I can’t exactly leave for Genovia before that, especially in light of the fact that I fully intend to be forcing my ne’er-do-well father to be coparenting my long-lost little sister by then—when Ling Su came running into my office to say that Brian Fitzpatrick had just been found in the center’s women’s restroom, standing on one of the toilets, trying to hide a lipstick camera and microphone in the vent.

Of course Brian had another story. He claimed he found them in there, having spied them while sitting on the toilet, and that he’d been trying to save us from suffering humiliation by them.

But it’s obvious he was the one planting them so he could record my private conversations. Why else would he have been in the women’s restroom (let alone the building) in the first place?

Seriously. This is my life.

Ling Su insisted we call the police (she is very feisty for such a tiny person), but cooler-headed Perin suggested this would only bring more unwanted press to both the center and to me.

So we “escorted” Brian out (meaning Lars and Perin basically carried him, Copyright 2016 - 2024