Rough and Ready (More Than A Cowboy #2) - Vanessa Vale Page 0,65

shows, I won’t even remember his sister’s name.” Randy looked from me to Quake.

They had a little stare down then Quake nodded.

Randy and his goons went to their car, and we watched them drive away.

“Hang in there, doll,” Quake said, coming over and patting my shoulder. “It’ll be over soon. You can stop running.”

I looked to Reed, who nodded.

“I already have,” I said to Quake but kept my gaze on Reed’s. He pulled me into his arms, and I knew, even in a rundown strip mall, I was exactly where I wanted to be.



I’d fought in the ring. Wanted to win. Always. After years of taking his shit, his belt and his hard-slung belligerence, I’d fought back against my dad. Had wanted him dead. Saw it done. Paid a big price for it.

But my father had been after me. His anger had been directed solely my way because I hadn’t fallen in line. I might have gone along with his crimes, but I hadn’t been in on them. I’d been able to handle it. Knew the score. Even knew I’d have to go to juvie to see him dead.

It had been worth every fucking minute of it.

But this Randy fucker? I’d wanted to stalk across the parking lot and finish him for even looking at Harper. He preyed on the innocent. Used them. Harper was strong and brave, but she didn’t live in his world. Didn’t know how low people went. How desperate. How dirty. Well, maybe she did with Cam, but he wasn’t anything like Randy.

I wasn’t sure if Cam was a sociopath or a psychopath. Maybe both, especially where Harper was concerned. But he was also a dumbass. He’d been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, taken the opportunities that afforded and made a good life for himself. Instead, he ended up owing a guy like Randy.

I knew what Cam would do for fifty K.

I knew what Randy would do for it.

Cam had offered his own fucking sister—again—to Randy, and he’d sent those two assholes after her. If she hadn’t fought so hard, they’d have raped her then given her over to their boss. She’d have paid off Cam’s debt that would have cost her so much more than a few zeroes on her bank balance.

She’d survived all the shit Cam had thrown at her. Again and again. She’d come out okay but taken a bunch of hits. The fight was over now. She had guys in her corner. Me. Gray. Quake, and since she was under his protection, the entire No Holds Barred crew. Thank fuck.

No matter how much I wanted to kill the asshole, Quake could take care of Randy, would ensure he forgot about Harper. But her brother?

Cam was going down, and I was going to see to it. Just like I had with my dad.

Only this time, I wasn’t going to get my hands dirty. I was smarter now.

Randy knew there was no money. Cam was in big trouble. He’d pushed Randy off for two years—I was surprised Cam hadn’t been shivved in prison—for Harper’s cash. Randy was done waiting, and we’d hand the little shit over on a fucking silver platter.

We drove back to the building in silence. I’d held Harper’s hand in my lap, not letting go the entire way. Gray and Emory met us in the lobby.

“Sorry to pull you back from the ranch,” I said to them.

Emory smiled at both of us, but Gray only nodded. He was in his usual non-workout uniform of jeans, snap shirt and Stetson.

“Gray filled me in on what’s going on,” Emory said, coming over and offering Harper a hug. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and concern filled her eyes as she glanced up at me over Harper’s shoulder. She was a nurse practitioner and a mom, which made her like a mother hen, clucking around anyone who needed help, taking care of them. That was how we’d been connected with Quake Baker in the first place.

While Emory took care of everyone, Gray was the one who took care of her. Nothing would happen to Emory that was for fucking sure.

“Come up to our apartment. We’ll get something to eat.” Emory led Harper to the elevator, and I stood back with Gray.

“I shut the gym down early,” he told me, tipping his voice low. “This gets messy, I don’t want it happening in the parking lot.”

“It’s getting messy,” I countered, cracking my knuckles.

Gray studied me for a moment then nodded. Copyright 2016 - 2024